Sunday, January 20, 2013


We are so grateful. It's not often I am short on words -- verbal or written. But lately, it has been one of those times. We are so incredibly blessed that this life is growing inside me. I am always very cautious that I never come across as ungrateful for anything God has given me in my life. How grateful we are that IVF #5 worked.

I am still having some bleeding. We are hopeful that this is the same "issue" and nothing new has developed. We think that the meds that I am on for IVF (progesterone and estrogen) are probably effecting how I am feeling (much sicker) as well as how I am sleeping (not good.)

God is standing alongside me. I have found great comfort in the group SELAH and their hymns of worship during this time. Your continued prayers are so valued.

I'm sure I'll return to "mega" blogging at some point in the hopefully very near future.

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