Serioulsy though, Wendi asked me (Josh)to be a "Special Guest Blogger" today, and I just thought that was an excellent idea. The only question I had was...well...what should I write about? You see, from time to time Wendi asks John to be a "Special Guest Blogger". At first she probably thought that was a GREAT idea, but I'm sure Wendi quickly learned that it is not wise to give John free reign over anything. Now listen, I love JB as much as everyone else, but we all know that, given the opportunity, John will try to bring some "educational value" to everything. That, my friends, includes this blog! Now normally I wouldn't have a problem with this because I, for one, am not very high up on the educational ladder of life, and I am always looking to learn new/interesting facts about the differences between Natural Peanut Butter and Jiff Creamy Peanut Butter! But sometimes JB takes it over the line and starts telling me about his favorite diet plans, and why some work better than others. Alright...I'll stop. JB is one of the best guys I know so I'll leave him alone (plus, I know he has plenty of things he could say about me). So let's move on.
So...what should I write about? (Better yet, how can I make Wendi immediately regret her decision to let me blog?)
Well, I am kind of crazy so let me tell you what I did yesterday....
First off I needed to go to the store. I was walking down an isle when a guy said to me, "Hey man, how's it going?" I quickly jumped up, grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and said, "Now who's asking the questions?" After that, I had promised my 2 year old son that I would take him to Disneyworld so we jumped in the car and headed that direction. But instead of going to Disneyworld I took him to an old burned down warehouse and said, "OH NO TYLER, Disneyworld burned down!" He cried and cried, but I think he knew it was a funny joke. I started to drive to the real Disneyworld, but it was getting late so we just went home.
By the way, if you worked on a lobster boat, I bet sneaking up behind people and pinching them on the butt would be a joke that gets old pretty fast...but that's just what I think!
Well guys, I think that about wraps it up for me. Thank you for reading. Please direct all complaints to the Flakymn Foundation for Medical Students Wives!
Thank you for your time...Wendi will be back soon, I promise!
P.S. JB, I love ya man!
I am amazed and speechless!!!!
You are simply amazing and I think you must be related to JB because what you did to Tyler sounds like something the Kitsteiner family would do to their children!! (well I guess I wasn't speechless but I am amazed) I will be looking for your next entry!
Aunt Diane
Josh, you frighten me...
Aunt Linda
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