Matt graduated the weekend of May 12th which unfortunately coincided with another fairly important event in our life: IVF. We were both disappointed that we couldn't be at the graduation ceremony. John wanted to wear his Air Force uniform and have Matt salute him. Matt wanted JB to wear his Air Force uniform so that his drill sergeants would have to salute John.
I know there are people reading this blog who have various views on the war and what is happening. As I have mentioned before, I hate politics and refuse to allow it to take over my blog. I wish everyone in the world loved everyone else! However, service men, from whatever country they are with, deserve our unending gratitude and thanks. They are heroes. They do not make a choice on what battle they fight. They simple decide to serve our country in whatever position that may be. Whether it be helping with hurricane relief within our own walls, dealing with border patrol, or just working in an office somewhere ... We don't have to support the war, but we should always support our troops. If you disagree, please don't tell me about it. This is as deep as I care to get in politics, and I hate conflict. :)
Anyways, we finally got some pictures from Ray and wanted to share them with you. Ray, Mom and Dad Kit., John's sister Elizabeth, and Matt's girlfriend Danielle, all went to see him graduate in Missouri. We wish we could have been there. But here are some pictures to share with you nonetheless. Here is a picture of Matt with our niece Grace after returning to Florida, his girlfriend Danielle, and their dad. (I think you can figure out which picture is which).

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