FishFlix.com is a Christian company started over a decade ago when Dr. Enis Sakirgil, a Turkish Christian, became involved in the making of a Christian movie: Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches. The heart behind this film was to let Christians in the West know about the wealth of biblical history in the country of Turkey, currently one of the nations least reached with the gospel. I have talked about this a lot previously on my Blog. This country is one that Christianity basically originated in and yet today over 99% of the country is Muslim. Not Christian. But I digress. Obviously, I have a special connection to Turkey. It is a country I only lived in for two years but it is a people and culture that I will spend my life loving.
Dr. Sakirgil immigrated with his family to the USA, and he began selling the movie on the Internet. Before he knew it, he was selling other Christian movies and FishFlix.com was born. They are now based in Mora, Minnesota. (Another State that I, have a connection to, albeit not as great of a love due to its outrageously cold temperatures.)
If you are somewhere in my age range (nearing 40 but definitely not there yet!) then you probably remember the original Superbook. (In fact, this DVD even includes a flashback to the original circa 1980's show.) But, if I am being honest, I was never a fan. The poor cartooning and annoying voices used to drive me crazy.
Enter the new: Superbook: A Giant Adventure.
Annoying voices? Gone!
Poor animation? Disappeared!
Instead, a new Superbook team of illustrators (with credits from movies like Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast) has come together to completely redo the original Superbook while still maintaining the integrity of the original series designed to bring the greatest stories of the Bible to life while teaching moral truths and life lessons.
This story depicts a "real" young man (Chris) who is afraid to perform his music in front of an audience. Each episode actually includes Christ and Joy struggling through a problem in their own daily lives. But after they go back in the Bible to the time of David and sees his courage in fighting a giant, Chris finds the courage to give it a try.
Not only did I watch this video and my four children watched it (multiple times!) but this week in our homeschooling co-op, it was too cold to take the preschool and kindergarten classes outside. They needed a quick fix, and I had this DVD in my car. I went and grabbed it. The kids were enthralled and the teacher, as she came out of the room, was raving, and wanted to know where I bought this. I pointed her directly to FishFlix.com.
The DVD also includes a "Study Guide" so that you can talk to your children about the video they just watched. There are three different topics in this one: A Special Gift, A fierce Battle, and An Amazing Victory. They all have Bible verses to look up and different prayers -- allowing homeschooling and non-homeschooling families alike to extend these lessons out over a few weeks.
There are also some bonuses as well including the original Superbook David and Goliath!
Another exciting thing to mention is that FishFlix.com is currently doing a giveaway for a 5-Movie prize pack. This giveaway includes War Room, The Ultimate Gift, Superbook: A Giant Adventure, My Son, My Savior and Owlegories 2. Over $80 in DVDs!
All you have to do to have a chance to win this awesome giveaway is by joining the FishFlix.com email list. You can enter the contest by clicking here.
I wish I could do a giveaway of this film, but being as it is a Kids' movie that we loved, we will be watching it many times to come. But I encourage you to support this great company and jump over to FishFlix.com to purchase this fantastic Christian movie for yourself.
All you have to do to have a chance to win this awesome giveaway is by joining the FishFlix.com email list. You can enter the contest by clicking here.
I wish I could do a giveaway of this film, but being as it is a Kids' movie that we loved, we will be watching it many times to come. But I encourage you to support this great company and jump over to FishFlix.com to purchase this fantastic Christian movie for yourself.
I honestly plan to get more of the Superbook: A Giant Adventure films for our home library. They are SO well done and so educational! You will not regret this purchase -- especially when you can support such a great company.

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