Since that email she sent me in November, we have stayed in touch via the Blog, emails, and Facebook. She has occupied the top spot on my shower prayer list ever since. She will remain there for a long time to come.
Her husband Grant is a non-traditional medical student ... a second career for him. He recently wrote a piece for one of his medical classes about death and dying. Tracye was kind enough to share it with me. It was incredibly powerful and moving, and I encouraged her to submit it to www.kevinMD.com -- an online medical website that I have previously been published on.
KevinMD accepted Grant's piece. I wanted to share it with all of you today: Why I joined the battle as a physician. He talks about losing his son while preparing himself to deal with death as a physician. It struck me on numerous levels as a mother and as the wife of an ER doctor -- someone who deals with illness and death on a daily basis.
Not only am I sharing this article, but I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to share Tracye's story. Not only because I think that grief needs to be shouldered by others and shared but because this family needs our prayers in the months and years to come.
Would you join me in adding the Woodfin family to your prayer list? And if you feel lead, will you leave a comment sharing that you are praying for Grant, Tracye, and little brother Ethan?
Praying for this family!
~ Michelle
Grant and I went to Texas A&M University together. He is a wonderful person. The Woodfin Family has been in my prayers since I received Tracye ' s message in the hours after they lost Caleb. I have been devastated and truly praying for them. I continue to do so. Thank you for sharing Grants article and for praying for them.
Praying for this family! Lynda
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