Our little Abigail is doing some mighty cool things. It's like that fountain of learning has just turned on. She is starting to:
- Try to put anything "on". Here she is wearing my ear warmer for running. (Picture above).
- Drink out of a sippy cup. This is from having big brothers. She drinks out of any cup she can find lying around. (Picture above.)

- Climb into anything and everything. She always liked to go under things but now she will climb into cabinets -- especially ones with clothes in it. (Picture above.)
- Give you a kiss when you ask her for one. If you say, "Can I have a kiss?" she opens her mouth real wide and slobbers on you.
- Put items into a container. If you hold out a can or a tub and give her things and say, "Can you put them in?" she will do it. Here's a video of her doing this.
- Hand you things, and if your hand is closed, turn it over and open it so you can take what she wants you to take.
- Go into the snack cabinet and start eating food that she wants. We have found here eating animal crackers and raisins.
- Sign "please". She can now sign "please", "all done", and "milk" although she is SOOO stubborn about it and seems to not do it just because she can.se
- Play peek-a-boo with you. She does the ducking (behind couches, tables, etc.) She also loves to play with her brothers when they are all eating a meal together.
- Hold a phone to her to talk. This really amazes me since we don't really use a phone here much.
- Walk more and more. Today she took 10 straight steps. She still totally prefers crawling, but she is definitely closer every day to walking. I want her to walk! With two big brothers, she's getting filthy trying to follow them everywhere.
- Try to put clothes on. It is the cutest thing. She also loves to put on the toy stethoscope (which was a favorite of Isaac's for many months.) Here's a video of that.
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