Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Funnies

Elijah: "Mommy, want me do a flip?"
Me: "Okay."
Elijah: (jumps from the chair to the floor)
Me: "That was great!"
Elijah: "But that wasn't a flip."
Me: "It wasn't?"
Elijah: "No. It was a jump."
Me: "Okay."
Elijah: (jumps from the chair to the floor and lands facing the other direction.)
Me: "That was great!"
Elijah: "Was that an almost flip?"
Elijah: (while playing with his stickers) "I've got to make a mess for a minute."
Me: "Sidge, you gotta take a shower tonight."
Elijah: "Why?"
Me: "Because we are going to get on a plane tomorrow and go to the Azores."
Elijah: "Oh. And he'll say, 'You can't come on because you're too dirty?'"
Me: "Who would say that to you?"
Elijah: "The captain of the plane!"
Elijah: "Can I have another tattoo?" (referring to the fake ones he kept wanting more of.)
Me: "Well, you already have three."
Elijah: "Is that so many?"
Me: "Well, it's ... three."
Elijah: "One. Two. Three." (Holds up three fingers.) "This many?"
Me: "Yes. That's three."
Elijah: "Is that so many?"
Me: "Why do you both have yogurt on your necks and all over your faces?"
Elijah: "Because we were eating it."
Me: "Yeah, but didn't you use your spoons?"
Isaac: "No. We wanted to eat them like a doggy."
I was opening (one of many) boxes with a pair of scissors.
Isaac: "Joni cut her finger when she was opening one of our car boxes."
Me: "She did?"
Isaac: "Yes, she was using scissors and she wasn't watching what she was doing."
Me: "Oh. Well that's why we should be very careful when we are using scissors. And you should only use scissors if you are a grown-up."
Isaac: "Is Joni a grown-up?"
Isaac: "Mommy, was Daddy a boy baby when he was little?"
Me: "Yep."
Isaac: "Were you a girl baby when you were little?"
Me: "Yep."
Isaac: "Did you cry a lot?"
Me: "I cried sometimes."
Isaac: "But can we say the word garlic?"
Me: "You can say garlic."
Isaac: "But we can't say shut-up?"
Me: "Right."
Elijah: "Or idiot."
Names I heard Isaac call his brother and sister this past week: cookie pancake and sweet bunny maccaroni. He is constantly making up names, randomly, and saying them. They can be quite funny.
Isaac had gotten his jeans up but hadn't been able to button the pants. "I can't do my unbutton," he told me.


Anonymous said...

I love the garlic one!

Anonymous said...

I love these quotes! They are so adorable and make me smile, LOL, or both!
Thank you for sharing!