Saturday, September 17, 2011

In words

I want to try to put into words what post-partum depression feels like. While it obviously is different from person to person, I want someone reading this days, weeks, months, years from now, to be able to find themselves in the words. I can only describe this as to how it effects me. Another person may feel differently, but this is how I feel. I imagine that "regular ol' depression" is the same as post-partum although I do not know that first-hand.
  • I feel very fatigued. Obviously this is hard to differentiate between depression and just having a newborn and three little kids.
  • I, personally, do not feel negative feelings toward my children whatsoever. But I do feel that I have difficulty fully engaging with them. For example, they say something to me, and I phase out and don't reply or hear them completely. If Abigail cries, I feel like I am slow in reacting to the cry. I have heard that some people do feel negatively but that is not the case for me. However, I do know that when I am feeling better, my feelings toward my children will be even stronger that they are now. 
  • I actually feel intense love toward my children during this time. The love is so strong that it really seems to morph into guilt quite often. If I am holding one child, I can barely handle the overwhelming guilt of not spending time with the other child. I know in my head it is not possible to be everything to everyone, but I have trouble figuring out how to accept that.
  • I wrote previously about the social impact of how I am feeling. I do not feel like talking, even in my own house. Although I have found that it is easier if I am around people I feel closer to or whom I readily have conversations with. Not only do I not feel like talking but attempting to talk completely exhausts me. 
  • I have an overall weight on my shoulders. I just feel heaviness with the world -- both at large and in my own small circle.
  • I feel overwhelmed. Clutter, dishes, clothes feel too much for me. I have read that people struggling with depression have to simplify their lives, and I can understand the need to do that. What I normally can handle with relative ease feels too much for me.
  • Small changes throw me for a loop and threaten to overwhelm me. If I am planning on one thing and those plans change, I have trouble adjusting.
  • Making decisions is difficult for me. Many times during the day I just turn to Veronica and say, "You decide what we should do." She has done a great job doing that easily.
  • For me the crying comes in waves. I'll have an entire morning that I can't stop crying and then I don't cry for days. 
  • I do not feel "engaged" in activities taking place. I feel like I am watching them from the outside. The intensity of this feeling comes and goes. 
  • I feel the inability to celebrate or participate in a happy moment. Laughing is not coming easily.
  • Fatigue seems to make the depression worse. A good nap will often take the edge off.
Again, I am feeling the edge slightly coming off of this, and I am feeling the cloud lifting slowly but surely. I have no doubt that I will be back to myself at some point in the future. I just have to trust the Lord to continue to lead me out of this.


Anonymous said...

Hugs and prayers are constantly being sent your way. Thank you for posting this. Love you friend.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE you! Tante Jan

TAV said...

Muah!!!! You are amazing, Wendi, and you have all of our support though this.

AW said...

Just scrolling through your PPD posts. I have to say these bullet points are pretty spot on for regular ol' depression too. Sometimes it's intense to the point of suicidal thoughts and other times tolerable. Like you, I'm grateful I have a husband with a sensitive heart and knows me well.