- Says the following words: I-ac (his name), down, no, Bubby (Scrubby), peas (please), Daddy, Mommy, Doggie, Minnie (for Mickey or Minnie Mouse), ball, dirty, on, Bible (for his book that is a Bible but for all books as well it appears), baby, uh-oh, apple, na-na (for banana)
- Dances when music comes on.
- Sits on / plays with Scrubs whenever he gets a chance.
- Enjoys cars, trucks, basically anything with wheels.
- Is infatuated with anything round -- which is always a "ball".
- Loves to read books . . . constantly. If I sit down on the couch, Isaac immediately goes to bring me a book.
- Starts bouncing up and down when he gets to give Scrubs a treat -- he goes right to the treats after a guest leaves, knowing it is time for a treat.
- Gets on and off the couch at will.
- Likes to watch birds and squirrels out our front window eating all the birdseed Daddy puts out.
- Throws a ball one handed, two handed, and backwards over his shoulder.
- Runs pretty fast.
- Still calls Elijah by a kissing noise. Wants to go to his room to get him anytime he can. Brings him toys to play with. Very sweet and gentle with him.
- Makes signs for: please, thank you, airplane, dirty, all done.
- Is starting to point to objeccts and shapes in books when requested.
- Loves to walk out in the front yard while Mom plays Frisbee with Scrubs.
- Spins in circles to make himself dizzy.
- Is helping to brush his teeth and comb his hair.
- Loves his baths.
- Has started helping to clean up toys.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sixteen months old
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What a little doll, he is so precious! I can't wait to see him:)
mom k
That smile!!! eat him up!
I can't wait to see him too!!! and all of you....Joan
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