I've had a few people ask me what kind of car seat we got for the boys. We use The First Years True Fit Convertible Car Seat. The link is to Target but we always get our's through Amazon because they have free shipping. This is one of the higher rated seats but it is not quite as expensive as some of the seats out there. It was a good compromise seat. We are very happy with it -- thus our reason for getting it the second time around again.
In other news, I want to wish my great bud Kristi a happy 23rd birthday. Okay so it's not 23. I think it's 23 plus 10, isn't it Kris? But happy birthday anyways Kris. It's also Bri's father Roy's birthday today. I don't think he is quite 23 either. Ha! Happy birthday to you both.
Just curious.....is Isaac still rear-facing? There's new information out about keeping children rear-facing for longer. Check out the Kyle David Miller Foundation if you want more info.
We are not keeping him rear facing. The info came out when he was 15 months old so we decided not to switch him back. The Pediatric Association still recommends turning around at 1 so that is what we are following. But I have heard the discussions on it.
Just checked out the link. Great information. Thank you for sharing. We'll have to look into it further.
I found the AAP link:
They actually say keep them backward facing until AT LEAST 12 months (the longer the better.)
Thanks anonymous.
Love both of their expressions as they move up to big boy car seats.
I'm glad I caught this post before tomorrow as I'm hitting the stores to "try on" some car seats with Kasen. The little booger is 3 months old and only has an inch to grow before he's going to be out of his infant carrier! I'll definitely be checking this one out since someone I "know" likes it.
Is the buckle system two pieces that go into the lock separately or is it the puzzle-piece type that you fit together and go into the lock at once?
Not the puzzle kind ... it goes in separately. We really like the seat!
Thanks for my b-day wishes. Yes 23 +10 ! I got to take a nap its been a good day!
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