Friday, April 04, 2008

Heading to Florida

I have this habit of always referring to Fort Lauderdale as "Florida." When I was in Kentucky, my family lived "in Florida." When I was in Minnesota, we were going home "to Florida." However, now, I live in Florida, and yet I still always say, "Im going home to Florida." I'm trying to change this and remember that I can't go to Florida when I am in Florida. (At least I can't think of a way this could be done.) I have to call, what I used to call Florida, Fort Lauderdale.

So, I say all that to say I am going to Fort Lauderdale today. Yesterday morning, I got a bit of a spook when I heard ATA had gone bankrupt overnight. That's what I was flying! Doublecheck ticket online. Oh. No. Wait. I am flying Air Tran. That's different. So I can still go. Whew.

Tif is taking me to the airport in Pensacola (what a friend!) around 10am. We plan to stop for lunch somewhere near the airport to assure I am there in plenty of time. My parents will pick me up this evening from the Fort Lauderdale airport. Tomorrow is the shower with Bri. Sunday is the open house with my parents. I'm heading back home on Monday. I just didn't want to stay longer when XY is going to be here so soon. I have so much I need to do back here at home.

See you all in Florida!


Rachel and Hans said...

HAVE FUN!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I will see you in Florida!

Gabbs said...

I'll see you in Florida, too, since I'm in already in Florida and you're just traveling TO Florida. I bet you haven't been in Florida in forever, huh?

Amy T. S. said...

Can you believe this is really happening, and now?? Love the pics of you and Bri. Heart heart heart.