Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mock transfer complete ... thank goodness

A warning ... this post may be a little "TMI" (too much information) for some of you. Don't read on if you don't like details. Don't worry, I'll try to edit a bit.

I went in for my "mock transfer" today. This is where they basically practice doing the actual procedure, testing out sizes of equipment and angles of entry etc. The idea is that they will get your body ready for the procedure weeks earlier so as to prevent a lot of "trauma" on the day of the procedure. They dilate your cervix and apparently it stays that way until I go in for the actual procedure. They also do a few other things while they are it. I'm not even sure what.

I guess it's good they got the trauma over today because it was not fun at all. Once again they were having trouble seeing things properly. That's never a good sign. It usually means that my bladder is not full enough. And when the bladder isn't full enough, a catheter is a likely tool of choice. I'm not sure, but I think they catheterized me three times before it went through properly. Yuck. At that point, they fill your bladder up and then push on your stomach as hard as they can. Imagine having to go to the bathroom as badly as you ever have and then someone just leaning on your stomach. It's fairly torturous.

Once they could see properly there was still some trouble getting me dilated. Everyone told me I was doing well and being tough. It was, by far, the worst mock transfer I have ever had. Dr. H. told me that her hardest mock transfer ever resulted in a pregnancy. I'm okay with that possibility.

Either way, once I got up, as they suspected, I was pretty light headed from all the "trauma" and ended up feeling like I might throw up and then pass out before finally getting into my bed. I'm now up and feeling a lot better ... trying to block out the day's experience. I wished they would give me a Valium before the mock transfer like they do on the day of the procedure.

The good news is, I survived. Everything looks on course for a May 31st transfer. There is a possibility things could be delayed at this point but no possibility of a cancellation. Please pray for a right-on-time delivery of our three sticky babies. Also, please be praying that our three babies look great at transfer time.


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you on the 31st. You two will be such amazing parents!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Thank you Lisa for supporting us!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm on it Wendi! Love, Sarah

AW said...

Praying for sticky babies right now and will do so daily until further news!!! It's amazing to imagine what God has in store for you two!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

I'll definitely try Rachel for sure.

Ebby, Ebby, Ebby .... I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

My transfer was somewhat like that. So incredibly painful that I actually went into shock. I could hardly breathe, my lips turned blue and I was shaking from the pain. My poor hubby was freaked out and fanning me but the doctor didn't seem the leaset bit concerned and kept saying "I wish all my patients did this well!" I kept thinking "Are you friggin' kidding me, lady!?! If this is good, what happens with your other patients???" but was way too out of it to talk. And then they tried to rush me out of the room for the next patient. They didn't quite understand that I was barely conscious and was in no way able to stand up. Every time I tried to sit up a little bit, I'd immediately get lightheaded and feel like I was going to vomit. It was awful and the most painful thing I've ever experienced.

Needless to say... I'm curious how labor and delivery will stack up to that!