Saturday, November 12, 2022


I am recovering. It feels slower than I would like. Just can't catch my breath and I get so tired.

But I am doing well. The puppies are now two weeks old, and boy oh boy do we have fun with them. The real "fun" will begin soon when they start climbing out of their little whelping box and just generally being adorable piles of fluff. 

John has been incredibly tired. I think all the kids being sick while I was in California, and then going on nights, and then everything happening to him, has just been a LOT for him. He never really gets ... clobbered. But he's a little clobbered right now.

The community has been so amazing. Delicious meals. Willingness to help transport. Every need met. 

Just have to give life time to get me back to me. :)

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