Jessica and I truly were a FANTASTIC team. I am not sure I could get along with someone better than I get along with her. We had an AMAZING two weeks ... she also does LOVE her tacos :)
We met former Central Ballet dancer-turned Ballet Mag trainee, Sarah Bosse, for a brunch. It was a beautiful outdoor mall, and that's Hannah smiling under there!

My pancakes were uh-mazing, but I have to be honest, I cannot eat eggs that aren't from my farm ... they just don't taste right.
Here we are on one of our last mornings. We'd get up at 6:30 every morning. Jessica would make the girls breakfast while I did their hair to hold up to 12 hours of dancing/hanging-out, etc. Then I'd drive them to Belhaven for their camp day.

Finishing the braids!

Hannah at our brunch enjoying a not-so-hot-chocolate!
This little girl is SOOO fun. She's up for ANY adventure and truly goes with the flow.
A quick snap of the "Ballet Magnificat!" campus. The girls danced here as well as at Belhaven each day.
Ana rehearsing for her dance at the Gala which was held on the last evening.

I saw a Cinnabon, and took Hannah for her first cinnamon roll from them!

Jessica totally got addicted to WINGSPAN with me. This was her first "real" win against me! Had to show it off!
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