And then that evening, as I do every night, I went out to put the chickens to bed. This means putting their ramp up and closing the door so predators can't get in. It was then I realized, when we moved the egg-mobile earlier, we had completely forgotten to re-open their door and re-let-down their ramp. (You have to close them up to move the egg-mobile.)
Dangggggg nabbbbitttttt!!!!
This meant that all the chickens that were inside when the egg-mobile was moved were stuck inside. This also means that all the chickens that were outside when the egg-mobile was moved were stuck outside.
This isn't a terrible problem until it gets dark. Chickens aren't the smartest animals. And their night vision is very poor. When they discovered they couldn't get in and it got darker and darker, they all hunkered down under the egg-mobile and decided not to budge.
And may I note, this wouldn't have been the biggest problem in the world if it wasn't going to be in the 30's this evening. Way too cold for them to be outside.
I tried to tackle the problem myself. I put the 4-wheeler lights facing the egg-mobile and showed the chickens the way. But they were having none of that. A few got the idea. But most decided to remain where they were.
This meant I had to go back to the house and get the chicken-catching-professionals (JB, Sidge and Isaac.) They were already dressed for bed and reading with JB upstairs.
The boys are super fantastic at catching chickens. They jumped at the chance to get filthy and go to bed an hour past the time they were supposed to.
Oh farming .... the best laid plans .... are only plans. The reality is what you must wait to experience.
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