Friday, December 05, 2014

Friday Funnies

While getting ready for a weekend away at the farm, Sidge told me, "I really need to pack!" He went and grabbed his little backpack.
Me: "You are going to pack everything in that little bag?"
Sidge: "No just my toys."
Me: "Well you need things to wear."
Sidge: "Well, yeah. You do that kind of packing."


Me: "I can't believe I get to pick out paint colors. I've never done that before. Oh. Wait. I did once. I picked out paint colors for our condo." (Referring to the condo we owned in Minnesota.)
Isaac: "What is ourcondo. That must be a country because I know there isn't a state named ourcondo."


Sidge: "Is Daddy a mammal?"
Me: "Yes."
Sidge: "But don't mammals have hair?"
Me: "Yes."
Sidge: "Well, Daddy doesn't have hair."


I asked the kids to build me something with legos that would be in outerspace. Abigail came down to show me two legos she had put together.
Me: "What is that?"
Abigail: "It is a fish. This is the fish' head. And this is his body."
Me: "That's cool."
Abigail: "Ummm, actually it's a dog."


I was lecturing the boys on not using the word dumb.
Sidge: "We can say dumb.:
Me: "No, you can't."
Sidge: "Yes we can."
Me: "Are you talking back?"
Sidge: "Well, we can say dum-dum when we eat a lollipop."


The other day, Sidge asked for a piece of paper before he ate his breakfast. When I asked what he was doing, I discovered he had decided he needed to write down everything he needed to have a good breakfast:

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