Friday, May 09, 2014

Friday Funnies

Sidge has been reading. But unlike Isaac, who reads with very little commentary, Sidge reads constantly asking questions and making comments about what he is reading. While this is good because it means he is paying attention to what he is reading. I cannot get him to understand that the book is going to answer his questions if he goes onto the next page.

Here's an example:

Sidge read: "Mop was a big dog. Mop was a floppy dog."
Then he asked: "How was it floppy?"
I replied: "You have to read to figure it out."

Sidge read: "Mop was Tom's pal."
Then he asked: "Mop was Tom's pal? Is Tom the owner?"

I replied: "You have to read to figure it out."

Sidge read: "Jack was a cat. Zack was a rat."
Then he asked: "Zack was a rat?"
I replied: "That's what they just said."

Sidge read: "Jack ran after Zack."
Then he asked: "Why did Jack run after Zack? Did he want to eat him?"
I replied: "You have to read to figure it out."

Sidge read: "Tom and Mop had a snack. The end."
Then he said: "I was pretty good at this, wasn't I Mom?"


I asked Abigail, "Whose your best mommy?" She replied, "Daddy."


Abigail is still wearing a pull-up to bed each night. The other night before bed, we removed her underwear with the intent to put a pull-up on upstairs. But we forgot. So about ten minutes after she had gone down, she came into her room.
Abigail: "I need go potty. I need diaper."
Me: "What? Don't you have a diaper on? What do you have on?"
Abigail: "Just my bottom."


With all of our furniture packed out, I had to do some scrounging to find three chairs for the kids to sit on on the porch for lunch one day.
Isaac: "How did you find three chairs Mommy? I thought there were only two."
Me: "Well, I'm pretty amazing actually."
Isaac: "Yeah. Can you do magic tricks?"

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