My friend Rachel's boys are both at home, right around the time of their due date. Thank you for praying for these boys and please continue to lift them up in prayer -- asking that they harbor no effects from their early battle for life.
Please join me tonight in praying for my high school friend Rachel's twin boys. She got some discouraging news. Let's hold this family up in prayer!
Updated March 24
Discouraged by tonight's news. Caden's head ultrasound shows signs of brain damage from the hemorrhage he suffered at birth. My heart is so broken for my little boy tonight.
Caleb's ultrasound continues to show improvement. He has part one of his third eye exam tomorrow.
I feel like I failed my boys. They have to endure so much because I couldn't carry them to term. I'm trying to trust in Him and not ask why, but it's nights like this one that make it difficult.
Caleb's ultrasound continues to show improvement. He has part one of his third eye exam tomorrow.
I feel like I failed my boys. They have to endure so much because I couldn't carry them to term. I'm trying to trust in Him and not ask why, but it's nights like this one that make it difficult.
Updated March 14
Hard day for all of us...eye exams this morning didn't go exactly as I'd hoped. Both boys have retinopathy. While Caleb didn't need any immediate treatment, Caden wasn't so lucky. Without treatment, blindness is
certain. Treatment option number one would cause him to lose his peripheral vision. Treatment option number two involved injecting a chemo drug into his eyes. I'm praying I chose the right one with the chemo drug. Please pray that it works.
Both boys are such fighters. I know they've already overcome so much, but my heart aches for them and all they've had to endure. Love my boys so much
Updated March 7
Long day, but so worth it in the end. I got to hold Caleb again. He responds so well to his mommy time. I wish I could have held Caden too, but right now he's showing that he'd rather be left alone. He did stay awake the whole time I held his brother, so maybe the sibling rivalry has begun (if you zoom in on the first picture, you might notice him in the background). I've gone back to work now too.
Updated March 9
The boys had a good day. They're both gaining weight. Caden is now 2 lbs 10 ozs and Caleb is 2 lbs 8 ozs. They still drop their heart rate and forget to breathe at times, but overall they're doing so much better. Keep it up boys. Mommy is counting down the days until discharge😊
Updated February 21
Caleb has been extubated! Praying for everyone to be infection free so that they can move on from IV's and antibiotics. February 21 was a good day for both boys with no bad news.
Update February 11
Good news...the brain bleeds are resolving on both boys. The doctor said we won't know the effects until they are school age, but I believe they will be fine. Caleb still has his heart problem (called a PDA if you want to look it up) so he will be getting some medication for 3 days and then a repeat echo. Praying that will also resolve and he will be joining his brother in feeding and breathing with a CPAP. The most exciting news of the day is that I get to do kangaroo care with Caden sometime soon. The doctor ordered it so we need to figure out a day that's best for the baby. I'll finally get to hold one of my overwhelmed. Thanks once again for the prayers. God is doing great things in these little boys.
Update February 10
Good news...the brain bleeds are resolving on both boys. The doctor said we won't know the effects until they are school age, but I believe they will be fine. Caleb still has his heart problem (called a PDA if you want to look it up) so he will be getting some medication for 3 days and then a repeat echo. Praying that will also resolve and he will be joining his brother in feeding and breathing with a CPAP. The most exciting news of the day is that I get to do kangaroo care with Caden sometime soon. The doctor ordered it so we need to figure out a day that's best for the baby. I'll finally get to hold one of my overwhelmed. Thanks once again for the prayers. God is doing great things in these little boys.
Update February 7
I just got home from seeing the boys. They are doing so well. I already shared about Caden's big day, but Caleb made some progress as well. He had another echo done today and the results showed improvement (for now that means no new medicine and no surgery!). He also started feeds like his brother. It's only 1 mL of breastmilk every 3 hours, but the milk coma that takes place after the feed is priceless.
Thank you for being so supportive and so faithful in your prayers. It is appreciated more than you know.
Thank you for being so supportive and so faithful in your prayers. It is appreciated more than you know.
Update February 4
The boys had a great day. They got their umbilical lines removed and had a PICC line placed. Their vent settings were decreased..there's a little competition going on there since I report to each what the other is doing
Their labs, vitals, and blood gases all came back ok. I got to lift both boys while their blankets were changed (that's a hold in my book).
Their diagnosis is still hanging over my head, but I am trusting that they'll be fine. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for them. They are very lucky little men who are already loved by so many.
Update February 3
I received the results of the boys' ultrasounds and Caleb's echo. I'll start with the positive. Caleb will have another echo on Friday, but it looks like they will just monitor him for the time being. Now for the ultrasounds. A lot of this doesn't make sense, so I'll just give a basic explanation. There are 4 grades of bleeds with 1 being the mildest and 4 being the most severe. Caden had a bleed on both sides of his brain..a grade 3 on one side and a grade 4 on the other side. This can cause conditions like cerebral palsy or hydrocephaly. Caleb had a grade 2-3 on one side only.
While the news crushed my spirit, I know I serve an awesome God who is capable of healing both of these boys. They have beaten every obstacle that has been thrown in their path. I know they are special and have touched many lives in the week they've been alive.
There was a few great moments today...Caden came off the oscillating vent and back on the regular one. His swelling is almost completely gone. He held my hand and looked completely content.
Please pray for these boys. They are my heart and soul.
Update February 2 from Rachel
Babies are doing great, but mommy has a fever now. Please pray. Thanks.
I just wanted to thank my friends and family for all you've done over the past two weeks. I've had people cook, clean the house, wash my clothes, pray with me/for me and the boys, post comments on Facebook, cry with me, and visit me in the hospital. You all have made the transition to my new normal as smooth as possible. I look forward to sharing our journey with all of you, and appreciate the support more than you can imagine. Love to all
Update February 1 from Rachel
The boys look amazing today. Thank you for all the prayers..they're working.
Update January 30 from Rachel
Caden made a little progress this afternoon. He is now on room air on his vent, he got rid of his insulin drip, and his blood count/gases looked good at 2 PM. It's still hour by hour, but my little man is fighting hard. Thanks for all the prayers for both of my sons. It is so appreciated.
Update January 29 pm from Rachel
Last update for today: Caden is really struggling today. His vent settings were changed again, his belly is more distended, he's getting more new meds, and another blood transfusion tonight. It's so hard for me to see my baby struggling like that.
Caleb is doing pretty good, but is also getting a blood transfusion tonight. I had a long talk with both of them, so hopefully they will listen to their mama. Thanks to all who have been praying for them. It is so appreciated
Update January 29 from Rachel
Caden had a little setback overnight, but I'm trusting the Lord already has this figured out. The doctors think he may have a brain bleed, but won't know for sure until he has an ultrasound. He also had a ventilator change because he was showing signs of distress. I know this little guy is a fighter, plus I'm sure he's stubborn just like me.
Caleb was a rock star this morning. I got to take his temperature and change his's the little things right now.
My high school friend Rachel just gave birth to twin boys at 25 weeks and 6 days. (A "normal" pregnancy is 40 weeks.) Rachel and I played basketball and volleyball together and earned a State Runner-Up title as well. Rachel has always been amazing with children and always had a gift with them for as long as I have known her. I am so excited for her to get to be the mom of twin boys! Would you please lift both these boys up in your prayers and keep them there? I know Rachel and her family would appreciate all the prayers they can get! These little guys are fighters and are doing well. Let's ask the Lord to continue to give them the strength to go home healthy and strong!

Caleb Evan (1 pound, 11 ounces)
Caden Oliver (2 pounds, 1 ounce)
Absolutely! Please keep us posted.
Julie E.
I'm for sure praying!
I am the grandmother to triplet boys who just turned two years old. They were born at 26 weeks , all under two pounds. We had two with brain bleeds, one with PDA surgery and all of the ups and downs of NICU living. It is soo overwhelming when going through it that I just want to be an encourager to your friend. Thoughts and prayers are with them.
Thank you so much for the updates!!
Julie E
Praying soo hard for these little blessings and their family xoxo
Wendi, thank you for keeping us updated on this. After what my nephew went through, micro-premies have a special place in my heart. These little guys have been on my mind all week.
Thanks again, Rachel (and Wendi) for these updates!! My Facebook group is lifting another premie who was born at 26 weeks and I mentioned your boys and they are lifting them up too! God is so good!! Expecting many good reports.
Julie E.
Rachel, this last post (2/11) is so awesome! I love getting your updates! God is so good! I'm also following a little girl on Facebook who is 27 weeks. She is beating all the odds which is so exciting to see. I have been sharing updates with my friends so they will pray and asked them to include your boys in prayer too. Just expecting amazing things from these kiddos soon!
Julie E.
Thank you so much for these updates!! It's so good to see the awesome progress! God is so good!
Julie E
Wow. So tough. I am praying for all of them.
If it's any consolation, as a cancer researcher, I would have made the same call on the retinopathy treatment.
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