Monday, July 23, 2012

Pool Daze

Since we have been told the warm-enough-for-swimming weather only lasts for a few months -- becoming too cold by September -- we are trying to take full advantage of the beautiful pool the Lord has blessed us with. There is a thermometer in the pool and the temperature shows the water between 70 and 73 on most days. (Although when the boys look at it they say things like, Elijah: "It says cold." or Isaac: "It's 40 zero today.") I'd really like it closer to 78 or so. But we can get in it and the boys want to swim every day. So we've been doing just that.

(Scrubs, by the way, has no interest in the pool, despite us throwing him in numerous times. The dog just can't figure out how to get to the steps. I think this is because when they had swim days in Turkey, there were no stairs to get out!)

The great news is that, thanks to my new friend Jenn who was giving the boys swimming lessons until she went back to the States for a visit last week, both the boys are swimming! Isaac actually has the way better form, but he keeps telling us he wants to wait for Jenn to return to swim again. Elijah on the other hand, wants to swim non-stop. His form isn't all that great, but he is really making progress.

And Abigail, well, she loves to wear goggles on her forehead (as you can see from the picture above) and has recently decided that the little pool we gave her to swim in is way beneath her. Oh, and the little boat that Grama K. sent her just doesn't allow her the freedome she so deserves. Here are some videos of our pool days.
  • Sidge swims: If you haven't seen me explain it earlier on the blog, Elijah has decided that his new name is Sidge. It is all he wants to be called. It originated with Isaac calling him Sidge-uh before he could pronounce Elijah. We shortened it to Sidge. And now, it has stuck. In fact, if I introduce him as Elijah to anyone he corrects me ... instantly. So, anyways, Sidge is swimming! Really! So happy about this!
  • Abigail in the pool: Forget her little pool. She wants in with Dad or Mom now all the time. Not easy when there are three kids and two grown-ups!
  • Float from Grama K.: Last week she liked it. This week she has decided she needs to be in the water.
  • White water from Jenn: Jenn teaches the boys to kick by making "white water." Here is Isaac showing off his skills.
  • Abigail first swim: Here she is determined to play on the steps all by herself. We have to stay close but not TOO close or she dives onto us.

1 comment:

Nancy, Jeremy, Jack, and Julianne said...

Those goggles are way cute! I bought Heaven is for Real for Kids tonight on my Kindle and am looking forward to sharing it with Jack. Thank you for the review on that.