Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Every snack you make

From the moment we brought Isaac home from the hospital, Scrubs has been a fantastic big brother. He laid down next to Isaac's crib as if that was where he always belonged. Other than the occasional ear knibble, which he just can't resist, he basically allows the kids to climb all over him and order him around without a thought otherwise.

(Of course, we do train the children as well -- to treat Scrubby like the member of the family he is, but still, they are little kids who are far from predictable.)

Our pup is especially good when it comes to food. We really worked hard to train him from the time he was a pup. We hand fed him for nearly a year, and repeatedly hovered while he ate, took his bowl from him, etc. While we tell the kids to give him privacy while he eats, he doesn't need it.

If the kids are eating, he patiently waits in a down somewhere near them. He cannot move in to get food off the floor until he gets the, "Okay Scrubs." While he will try to follow them when they hve food, he cannot take it from them. He must wait until they put it in his mouth. And even then, when they do (all of them lately!) he looks at me as if to say, "So you see this? They are giving it to me? It's okay I eat it, right?"

Despite that, this picture, below, really made me think of my dog. We don't allow him to beg. He isn't allowed near us while we are eating. He must be in a down stay quite a few feet away. But he still waits. Watching. For his turn.


Dr. Linda said...

That picture cracks me up. Although you're right, Scrubs doesn't beg. We're still training Bonnie not to beg. I sure miss Scrubby!! I MIGHT even let him nibble on my ear next time I see him! :)

Anonymous said...

I SWEAR, Yamil and I saw this picture on FB the other day, and at THE SAME TIME exclaimed: "SCRUBBY!!" lol!
We miss you guys! (and of course, Scrubby the most! ;)