On Wednesday evening, most of the third year residents met at Big City Bistro for dinner. (Thanks to Joia for snapping this photo. Can you find me and JB in it?) Also in attendance was the Family Medicine Consultant to the Surgeon General of the Air Force. In short, he helped answer all of the questions of residents and spouses and filled us in on everything there is to know regarding base assignments for next year.
The fabulous Mary babysat for us. She is the best! We met her at Crossway, and she is a freshman in college locally here. She is so amazing with our boys and they really love her. Isaac has even learned how to say her name!
I haven't talked much about this, but as December closes in, it is getting closer to the time that we will need to make our rank lists. JB will list the top twenty locations that he would like to go to next. This list is due by December 15, 2009. Sometime around April 1, 2010 we will be told where it is we are going. Hopefully it will be somewhere on our list, but you can be "non-volunteered" which means you can be sent to somewhere not on your list if it is unavoidable.
Then sometime around July 1, 2010 we will move to that new location. We will be stationed at that new Base for a minimum of two years and up to four years. After December 15th, I will share with you where we are hoping to go. We have it pretty solidified but it isn't something I plan to put on the blog right now. In addition, all of us military people know that "the needs of the Air Force come first" and that what we want really, doesn't necessarily mean anything. We won't know for sure until sometime around April.
It is unbelievable to me that JB's residency is nearly completed. He will graduate at the end of June, and we will be leaving Eglin AFB and all the wonderful people we have met here. I will miss them terribly -- especially the five other wives that have provided me with so much support during our adventures here. I truly do not know what I will do without them.
I also do not know what I will call my blog when we move. Who knows if we will be freezing or defrosting?!
We will be praying during the coming months for God's clear guidance and for Him to go before, behind and beside and within you!....which He will! We will be praying for peace and His very best for you, the airforce and your boys! We love you! (I hope it's somewhere where we can "stopover" on our way to and/or from Indonesia! )but i don't suppose the airforce will worry about that either :)
I can't believe John will be done with residency this year!
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