Just a break to think on my boys. We are doing our best to relax. I have spent the morning sitting by the pool. It´s overcast but peaceful. I ordered a banana smoothie. I finished the book Plain Truth (an excellent read but not recommended for my infertility friends) and am now into a Karen Kingsbury book. So far it´s great. Shades of Blue I think it is called. My Ipod is playing classical music. The wind is dancing softly on the pool.
JB is in the conference and recently stepped out to tell us that we are scheduled to meet with N´s sister (I´ll use N for the gal who passed until I feel comfortable sharing her name) tonight at 8pm. I will let you all know how that goes.
It goes without saying to mention that we all covet your prayers. Please keep praying. Everyone associated had difficulty sleeping and is having difficulty coping. But we are all doing our best to enjoy the remainder of our holiday. It does seem hard to allow yourself to relax, as someone mentioned in a comment on my previous post. But we are trying to do just that as best we can.
Ooh - I just finished Shades of Blue...very good, but a very sensitive subject, don't you think? I think she did a good job writing about it.
Dear Wendi and J.B. I wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are very much with you and the family of "N". I can't help but think how you Wendi at the beginning was so fearful of diving and that you would give it a shot. In the end, you enjoyed it, and was ready to give it a good try when you went on your vacation. I look back and see how God gave you the strength to try the classes. And you succeeded.
I look at how that wonderful lady of two boys would have been lost without you there. How she wouldn't have had such a sweet and caring person to surround her when she needed someone the most. Because of you, she had a strong person with her when she needed the love of someone the most. Thank you for being a strong person and giving this wonderful lady all she needed.
Hugs to you and "N" I am sure she in heaven feeling so grateful and loved by what was a wonderful new friend.
Kiley Rodrigues
Rhode Island
Rachel, I am just getting into it, but yes, very sensitive. I will be thinking whether I can recommend it and to which groups when I complete it. But so far, I am enjoying her writing.
Kiley, thank you so much ... the encouragement means so much.
Thinking and praying for you. Love the pictures of the boys! The one of Elijah with the huge stuffed dog might be my favorite of him ever! Wow, walking (almost!) Woohoo!
Have not stopped thinking about you for even a MOMENT today Wen...praying for peace for you and John, praying that through you both, the family of N will see the Love of Jesus, and that they will know the heartfelt love you have shown for their loved one and the sadness you are feeling in her death.
God doesnt make mistakes and he placed you there for a reason...you were such a comfort to N and that will in turn, comfort her family. This all has touched me very deeply, the wonder of Gods plan...and I think it will surface over time, that all of this will touch many many people..You have amazing strength and the Lord is using you in unexplained ways..praying now for that 8pm meeting with the family..Love Ya Nancy
PS, LOVE the pics of the BOYS!!! Looks like they are having a great time and getting lots of love from everyone!! :):) N
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