Firstly, before we left for Mexico, we had a few days in Fort Lauderdale. Joan came down to our neck of the woods on Sunday morning so we could take some family fotos. Take a look:

In addition, both Gramas and Joanie took a TON of photos during the time they had with the boys. Mom and Joanie would watch them during the day and my parents took over in the evenings and on the weekend. Here's just a few of the pics I liked most when I got their collections:
So there you have it. There's probably a story behind every picture, but since I wasn't there, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
As for me, I am adjusting to my first day watching both boys since we have been back. JB had Tuesday and Wednesday off (for the storm that never was and then for Veteran's Day). Actually, however, today was sort of cheating as I took the boys to nursery for Bible Study (man I love that study!) and then to the second half of our wifia lunch.
Slowly but surely I'm getting back into the swing of things. One thing I know for sure is that I love my boys (and my dog) a ton. I am not ready to leave them again for quite a long time. We had a great time and are so glad we did it, but I am so glad to be able to kiss 'em whenever I want to now . . . yes, even Scrubby.
Speaking of Scrubs, he must play sooooo hard at dog camp. He has basically slept for three days straight. He'll take a minute to wander out and check on us, but then it is back to bed he goes. It's kinda nice having a lazy dog. Isaac played his trains on Scrubs' back for nearly thirty minutes last night without the dog moving once. Ha!
All righty, time to post this.
Love all your family pic's at the top - very nice!! Your boys are adorable, and definitely growing up quickly!
=) Steph
omygoodness! I miss my boys!!!
that last statement was from grama di!
Great pictures! The family ones are awesome! Looks like the boys had a TON of fun! =)
There were THOUSANDS of pictures to choose from!!!
P.S. The last picture was for Lucy!!! She made me do it!!
Some of those pictures made me laugh a bit!
Boy does Isaac look like Bri! Soo cute!
I love the picture of Nathan and Isaac walking and holding hands :)
Wendi--I love ALL of these pictures!! And Joan, the Loser picture is too funny...heehee
What a beautiful happy family. I imagine your parents are enjoying grandparenthood as much as mine are :) Great pics of the kids too.
WOW! Your fam did an awesome job taking pics for you. Elijah cracks me up with his SERIOUS faces! He looks so much like John and John's mom! Glad you and John enjoyed a trip away together!
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