I thought I'd share a few pictures of my son, lovin' his books just like his Daddy! As if our house isn't over running with books as it is . . .
If you take a look at Isaac's swing, there are some leaves that spin around on the top and hang down. Our little boy has figured out how to grab onto those. This causes the swing to start making a loud shaking noise which Isaac thinks is hilarious! I've had to resort to not allowing the top part to spin and placing the leaves at exactly the right positions so he can't reach them. Stinker!
Today is an exciting day for us. Our friend Bara is coming in from Boston to visit us. If you are new to the blog or don't remember Bara, here are two guest blogs he did some time ago:
Bara is a great friend, and we are excited to have him spend a few days with us here in good ol' Florida! Pictures to follow I promise.
tell bara "hi"! i forgot he was in boston or i would have tried to say "hi" when we were there last week!
1. Hello Bara-have a wonderful time with John and Wendi and Isaac and Scrubs!
2. Please try and catch Isaac on video pulling at the leaves-I love to hear him laugh:) Of course, that could be sort of mean-"pull, on the leaves, Isacc- no, DON'T pull on the leaves" oh well, if it happens, it happens:)
love ya, mom k
Wendi, I love how he's peeking over the book in that second picture! He really looks so ornery!
Awww, he's so stinkin' cute!! I just love those pics!
Awww, he's so stinkin' cute!! I just love those pics!
Isaac has some really cool toys. Love the big and the light up toy in the other video. Really neat.....!
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