Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family Fotos

Today JB planned a fun post-church activity day for our family. We went to the new shopping area across the street from McGuires, had lunch on the water, and took some family photos! When we got to church today, we realized the church was planning a big "fun day" of their own. Had we planned ahead, I am sure we would have gone, but since we've been out of town, we weren't up-to-speed on this event, and already excited about our family plans for the afternoon. So we kept things the way we had them planned.

Anyways, it was a wonderful day as a family. Here's some of the photos from our first attempt at a real family portrait. I have included a picture of me as well at the end. Many of you have encouraged me to go ahead and document on the blog this part of our journey as well. This seems to be a very tasteful photo -- and so I have included it. Thanks to my wonderful online friend for the "loan" of a great maternity skirt!



Anonymous said...

You guys look great, and Florida looks beautiful!! It's definitely turning into fall here...enjoy the sun down there! :) Two thumbs up for the maternity skirt! :)

Anonymous said...

ok - this is definitely in my top 10 posts! LOVE the pictures! thank you!! :-)

you look wonderful, by the way! (you, too, john - you look great :-)

Anonymous said...

So sweet!! I'm so glad you found a hat for Isaac! See you soon! mom

Rabens Family said...

We missed you guys at the church picnic. Great pictures though. I wondered why your hair was down today at church. It is unlike you to wear your hair down and wear a skirt. I should have known something was up. Jocelyn is looking forward to her playdate with you, Isaac, and Scrubs tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Very cute. For framing, I like the one on the stairs the best - good coloring and lighting :)

And, please don't feel guilty for posting pictures of your growing belly. You deserve this pregnancy as much as anyone else ttc for so long - enjoy it!


TAV said...

SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pics! Who was the gifted photographer? Almost Rachel-quality pics! :)

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

JB used his tripod!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures... beautiful Mom! =)

What a nice looking family and great backdrops!

Isaac's outfit is adorable!!

Erica said...

Awww, Wendi, you look so cute! I agree with Lesley - cute outfit!

Anonymous said...

You all look great!! I love the picture of you, especially. Pregnancy suits you well!!! Thanks for the great pictures.

Jules said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful pictures! I love them all but especially the one of you with your gorgeous preggo belly! You look fantastic! Thanks for sharing them!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, Wendi!!
I especially like the one with you guys sitting on the steps.
You look wonderful pregnant! You deserve to celebrate it, so don't feel self-conscious.
Cheryl (Ontario)

Anonymous said...

great family pictures, thanks for sharing. What a wonderful family day together, those are always the best and what a fabulous memory you will have and more to come with your ever expanding family. Great shots, JB!


yuan family said...

I love the picture of you guys on the steps and absolutely LOVE the picture of are beautiful and definitely glowing!!

kjames106 said...

Very cute! I'm glad you posted your picture. You should do this. It is just a reminder of how amazing God truly is.

Thanks for sharing!!

Michele said...

Beautiful family!!

Rachel said...

Awww that is such a nice post and you all look just awesome. And you Wendi, you're adorable! That last shot is just great! Oh and do i recognize that skirt??

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Yes Rae! YOU are the "online friend" I mentioned! :)

AW said...

Wen, you look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. :-)

Anonymous said...

Really sweet little family, nice pictures...

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!! Wendi, you look so beautiful pregnant!! And what a wonderful family picture and the coloring is perfect of the 3 of you on the steps!! That needs to go on the wall!!Always love to see pics of your family!! The video "for gramas" is priceless as well! What a cutie pie he is!! You too John..:) N

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic family photos. Thanks for sharing. I agree with the others - don't hide your miracle!
BTW, that outfit on Isaac is absolutely the cutest ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wendi, absolutely beautiful! Can't say enough how happy we are for you and John and Isaac :)

Kendra said...

I was going to ask who took them tell JB I am pretty impressed! Great light!

Anonymous said...

Oh Wendi! That last picture of you is the most beautiful one I have ever seen!!