Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I MISS JB!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it. I can't stand it anymore. I'm leaving today.

Okay, so maybe not. Just got off the phone with my awesome husband and he had zero hours of sleep last night. He'll be sleeping the day away and then leaving at 6pm for his second-to-last night of call. So being home would be rather pointless.

But man, we miss him.

This is the second time we have spent a night rotation with my family in Ft. Lauderdale. It is so wonderful to have the company and help with baby and dog. But it is always a mixed blessing. While so happy to not be alone, I just miss JB so much. And while Isaac may not technically miss his Daddy, Daddy has told me on more than one occasion to "bring his butterball home!" LOL. (I hope he was referring to Isaac!)

Oh . . . I forget to tell you all . . .

To the relief of many of my friends and family, I will not be driving the nine (or ten or eleven or twelve) hours back to base with baby and dog by myself. It's a very long story but due to JB's grandmother's very strong feelings about the lunacy of this behavior, my sister-in-law Gabbi has been chosen to accompany me back to base and then fly back to Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday. While I do believe I can do the drive by myself as I have done it two times in the past, it is true I have never done it with Isaac and Scrubs. And, truth be told, it will be absolutely wonderful and of course, much easier, to do the drive with someone else. No lugging Isaac into restroom stalls with me or try to walk dog at rest stops with baby slung over shoulder. Gabbi to the rescue!

We are leaving early on Friday morning and will get to see John by Friday late afternoon. He does not have call on Friday night -- they do something called a "Friday flip." Another resident takes his last Friday of call in exchange for the favor in the future. So hopefully by the time we get home, he'll be good and rested from his Thursday night.

I can't wait to get home!


Anonymous said...

How awesome to have family in the same state to be able to travel back to Eglin with you. That will be quite a relief to have the extra set of hands, while I'm confident (as you are too) that you could do it, one less thing to worry about. Oh and the sweet reunion, will never be sweeter than seeing your honey again. I'm absolutely certain that he has missed the two of you just as much as you've missed him.

Anonymous said...

you know i was just thinking that I miss JB, just not hearing about him in your blogs and i was getting worried not hearing about him :) -i was so glad to read this blog! :)
Tante Jan
PS Thank GOD for GRamma's who are so much smarter than we are!