Saturday, September 20, 2008

We are home!

Home sweet home!

Gabbi and I had a wonderful drive yesterday. We actually did it in 9.5 hours. We still arne't sure how since we stopped 4 times -- 3 of which were for about 20 minutes each. Gabbi would feed Isaac, I would walk Scrubs, then I'd come and finish with Isaac while she went to the bathroom, and then she'd hold him while I went to the bathroom. What a team!

Last night JB made fajitas and since Isaac went to bed really early (it was an hour later in Ft. Lauderdale) we watched a very sweet, romantic movie: The Lake House. I definitely think it's worth renting if you want something clean and sweet.

It's amazing too, how good Scrubs is back at our own house. He looked relieved to see JB and his own house. We went over and had a quick play session with his buddy Deuce before settling into our routine again here in the cooler weather of base!

I'll write more later, but for now, here's a video I took Scrubs and Isaac in Fort Lauderdale. I couldn't get it off my camera while I was there.


Anonymous said...

I miss my boys and you too!!
I even rang the bell last night.
and did the chicken dance HA!
Glad you're home safely. I'll bet JB is enjoying re connecting w/ Isaac!! Mom

Amy T. S. said...

It looks like you have a Lance Armstrong on your hands. How cute!