Hi. This is Isaac. Since my Mommy is being a scaredy-cat and won't post this blog no matter how much people tell her to go and do it, I decided that while she is napping, I will scan a picture into the computer (I learned how to do this a few days ago) and post it on the blog.
In case you are completely confused, which don't worry, we are all feeling that way, this is a picture of my little brother or sister. In fact, this is a picture of my little brother or sister inside my Mommy's tummy.
My Mommy is pregnant.
Don't worry if you are a little confused or if your jaw is on the floor right now. Our house has been filled with a lot of that already. Daddy and Mommy keep staring at each other without saying a word. I, personally, think this is the coolest thing ever. I'm going to be a big brother before I even learn how to walk?! How awesome is that?! Of course, I am the first born and the bestest and Daddy and Mommy keep telling me that I am their numero uno. Duh! I know that! I am the prince of this house. Well, Scrubby thinks he is, but I think he is learning that I am the first prince and he is the second prince even though he was a prince first.
Anyways, Mommy promises that she'll post more tomorrow if she stops being a scaredy-cat so stay tuned for more details. If you want, you can post a comment expressing your complete and utter shock so we can remember if for years to come.
Also, I thought it would be fun to share a few other things with you. This is a video of my "Aunt" Tiffany and Mommy when they took "Aunt" Joia to Chik-Fil-A to share with her the news. She is sitting right next to me. She was really surprised!
And then this is the PowerPoint that my Mommy used to tell my Grampa and Grama Coach. My Uncle Keith and Aunt AD went over there and played it for them while my Mommy was on speaker phone. They were pretty excited.
Family PowerPoint
Okay, I better get off of here before someone catches me! Bye everyone!
Yay, the first one to post a comment... I'm a little embarrassed about that video, but I'M SOOO HAPPY!!
The power point is AWESOME!!
Woohoo for being pregnant together! =)
Tears of joy.!
So happy for your family! I have tears of joy for you guys! I love Joia's excitment in the video!
YEAH! I was happy for you to have Issac, now I'm twice as happy for you! :)
Congratulations!! God is incredible...isn't He?!?!
I know I don't know you but I clicked the link in Joia's blog and read through a few pages and I just want to say congratulations!!!!!!
YAAAAYYYYY! I've been picking my jaw up off the floor for a couple days over this one! So amazing! Congratulations!
Can someone help me pick my jaw off the floor?
Okay, I kid! Congrats! :)
" "
Ok, that is me actually being speechless for once.
We love you and are so very happy for you. I have already talked to Ronnie about having to come to Eglin again in a few months. He said yes I will have to go again. :)
And that video of Joia is so so funny. I love it!
There are no words to express the happiness and joy in my heart for you guys. We love you all so much and we're thrilled to have yet another little addition to our family.
Hugs and kisses from Aunt Gabbi to Issac and the little lima bean.
Just when you think you have God's plan for you all figured out . . . Wow! I have enjoyed watching your family grow through your blog and am so excited for you! Praying for a healthy pregnancy for Mommy and Baby! Joia's video is great - I'll bet there are a ton of people out there who feel the same way!
Wendi--what wonderful and incredible news! I am so happy for you--I don't even know you that well, but I have tears of joy for you and JB. Our God is AWESOME! -Katie Heise
Our God is an awesome God!
Tante Jan and Oom Ed
I have to find out the Indonesian word for GREAT Aunt :)
Congratulations, I was SO excited when Joia phoned me, God is SO good... praying that all goes well.
I am so excited for you guys!!! What an Awesome God we have. Congratulations!!!
I've been glowing for you for the last day and half :) You know we're thrilled beyond measure for you guys...and I'm still having a hard time breathing since I saw the power point the other day...you completely floored me with the news (well, sorta...you know I had a fleeting thought last week that you would be pg soon...and you know I'm wise beyond my years :))
And it goes w/o saying that God is awesome, good and how incredible that He had this perfectly planned all along...I LOVE IT...every bit of it...how it all happened so miraculously and surprisingly and probably right near the time of "big brother's" birth! :) If anyone can take on the task of two babies in 9 mos it's you and John and you'll look back on these babies years from now and smile at how great it is! What a perfect miracle this baby is and what a wonderful bond he/she (I'm voting for she!) will have with dear, sweet Isaac :)
It's gonna be quite a ride for you guys, but look at the road you've already had through years of infertility...now you'll be riding the baby train for quite awhile and how surreal it will all be! It's the BEST and I for one can't wait to see mama Wen all big and pg! It brings a smile to my face every time I think of it!
Enjoy every moment (as hard as that may be on some days :)). I'm so thankful beyond words for this miracle of life that you get to carry in your womb. Thinking of you always and saying prayers for a happy, healthy, uneventful pregnancy. Get some rest, Wen, and take your time taking this all in. It's been a long time coming....but I just knew in my heart that YOUR day would come! YAY and Praise the Lord a million times over!
Phew...ok, I've said my piece! From one pg lady to another...I love ya'! Your new little peanut is adorable! Hugs to the big brother and daddy too! Love ya, Kel & Fam. :)
This is just the most incredible news ever! God has such a sense of humor! Praying and rejoicing for you guys!
Jenny Wilson
WHAAAAAA???!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! Another miracle baby!!!
That video is priceless---talk about speechless. :)
I can't wait to hear more!!!!!
This is such awesome news! Momma is always right Wendy! Your mom told me years ago that she knew in her heart that someday you would get pregnant on your own! God is so faithful! Congratulations to you, JB and beautiful Issac.
Jan Larkin
YIPPEE!!!!!! The word is out and I for one have thought of NOTHING ELSE but THIS all weekend! Been enjoying your MOMs "joy" back and forth on the computer! Now THERE is ONE happy grandma!!!( and grandpa too!!! This is the BEST news I have ever received!!! Enjoy every wonderful minute!! Cant wait to see you in maternity clothes!!!
Yep, your Mom just knew in her heart this day was going to come!! And your grandma as well!!This story will be told through the generations and will always be a source of Gods LOVE and Gods incredible planning!! Have FUN!!!! Praise GOD!!! Love Nancy and Tom
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. It so REAL to see the ultrasound pic!! I cannot keep telling people about this beautiful miracle! You guys deserve this SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo much! I really felt that someday I would hear this news from your mouth (although you might not have!) but couldn't tell you when. The time is now!!!!! I thought I couldn't be happier for you when Isaac was born, but this is almost twice as sweet. AMAZING news!!!!!!!!
I had tears just reading that post. After all that you and JB have gone through what great news to hear! love- Jaime
Holy crap!!!!! The announcement made me cry, then I composed myself and read on and then the video made me cry again, and then I composed myself once more and watched the PowerPoint and now I'm in tears again. Great way too announce great news!
Good job, Issac! You are one talented little fellow on the computer. Thanks for posting the video and the Power Point, too! Can't wait to read your Mommy's blog tomorrow -- what an exciting time this is going to be for everyone!
You don't know me, I've been reading your blog since you commented on mine once, but I've enjoyed your adoption ride and now I am utterly speechless at your news! Amazing! Prayers for a great pregnancy and congratulations!
Sarah N
WOW! That is fantastic! I hope Isaac loves being a big brother. Until then, I'll have to fill you in on where to find maternity clothes that actually fit tall women!
: ) Lisa
Have to brag that we were the first to know. I can't wait to be an uncle...again. Who knows, maybe AD and I will be able to give Isaac his little sibling a cousin to pick on, but we'll just have to wait and see.
Love you, congrats.
oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! IRISH TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You know I went to Notre Dame, right?! and, oh yes, I'm part Irish which means I will have a superior capacity to love them over many, many others!). I love you guys! This is the BEST!!!!!!!!
PS Remember Africa? Seems like God does answer prayers better than we can pray them...
Love, love, love, & kisses for the little one,
Kelsey Cakes
I'm back again. I don't know if I'll sleep tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it!
We are so very happy for your family. Welcome to the club of having your kids close in age. You have me beat.
Hi Wendi,
I cried when your mom sent the powerpoint to me & cried again when I watched the video. God is sooo good.
I told mom that I can't wait to read your book. I know you have a story to tell that will minister to many.
It is exciting to see what God is doing in your lives.
Stacy Angier
That is the most amazing news ever!!!!! Congratulations to all! You are certainly going to have your hands full...but it will be awesome.
Are you going to tell Hannah's Prayer? So very awesome! Irish twins!!
Psalm 138:8 "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever."
Dear Wendi & JB,
We are SO happy and excited for you - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I have been enjoying thinking about how God's hand is working in our lives, even when we have no idea at all. His will is perfect: "He does all things well!", and His timing is perfect too! We continue to pray for you as your family grows... =)
Love in Him,
Steph (Joia's sister-in-law)
All we can say is "we are shocked but not surprised". We had just spoken earlier on Thursday that somehow we knew you would one day conceive a child- guess we thought that the next invitro would be the way. Then we came home to your power point.
This morning we read "many plans ae in a man's mind but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand".(Pr 19:21)
Where would Isaac be had this happened earlier? He was destined for your family. (for that matter where would Scrubs be?!HA!)
We walk around and then say "Sing with me...How great is our God?" What a testimony! What hope and encouragement!
We know that Keith and AD are working on a way to 'top' this. Cannot wait to see what they come up with.
LOVE Joia's video.
Loveyou! How great is our God!!!!
Grampa Coach and Gramma Di
Wendi, that is totally awesome! It's mind-blowing to even think about! What a huge testimony!
We are so happy for you!!!
I echo your mom 'How Great is Our God!!!!'
Wowwee wow wow! Congratulations to the happy family! I don't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog, Wendi~but have completely enjoyed "sharing" your journey. And now this! It's just too wonderful =0) Many blessings to you all as you continue on this exciting road.
Peace and Joy,
PS Kelsey Cakes you are funny! Go Irish (twins!)!!
Holy cow that is awesome to hear. What a blessing. And a nice jump start to starting a big family. Congrats to you guys.
Tony B.
At 20 years old and recently told I probably won't have kids of my own I've found much comfort in your blog over the last few months. I'm reminded of a quote I picked up somewhere.
"You want to make God laugh?, You tell him your plan."
I was so excited to read the blog today to see this amazing news! It truly gives me great hope that anything can happen!
Good luck in everything, My prayers are with you.
The video and the power point are priceless. I loved how Joia's voice went two octives higher when she realized what she was being told.
Wendi, I'm so happy for you and JB.
I have been following your story for a while and I am so happy for you. When my mom called me last night to read me your blog I had the biggest smile on my face. I will continue to pray for you and this little miracle. What an awesome God!!!
Thanks for sharing this incredible news. I know that a brother/sister close in age (8 months apart?) is the best gift your wonderful parents can give you. I am thrilled with your news!
I am Amy TS's mother and I have been following your story, which is very similar to Amy's. As one friend said, Amy certainly has her arms full now---as will your mother!
God is great!
Oh.My.Goodness!!!! Kelly posted about this, so I had to pop over and say congratulations!!! What an amazing gift! God is SO good!
This is so much fun!!!!
Sweet little one, know we love you and your adorable big brother!
You will have the greatest time growing up! What adventures are ahead for you both:)
We pray for you and Isaac (and Mommy and Daddy) every day and can't wait to meet you!
love your Grandma and Grandpa K
This is the best news ever!!!
This happens for so many people I know who have struggled. It seems to be the not stressing that makes all the difference. I am so glad it happened for you! I cannot fathom the feelings you and JB must be having!
Congrats to you all!!
Wendy and JB, your story has been such a testimony and has given me hope. I think you are an incredible writer and really hope that someday you might consider writing it all down in book form.
-RJMB from Hannah's Prayer
The kindness of our Savior brings me to tears! As if your story up until little Isaac wasn't wonderful enough, now the Lord does this. There are not enough words to sing the praises of our Savior! Our family is rejoicing with you. When I told my girls,
(11 and 9) they shed tears too because they could see how amazing this is. Can't wait for your post later on to share how you are feeling.
~Joy Zarate
WOOT! WOOT! God is sooo good!!! WOW!!! What a blessing! We are so excited for you!
WOW!!! Shelly told me before church started Sunday morning and I stood there in complete shock in awe of God! The songs we sang all reflected God's faithfulness and how good He is to us . . . as I sang I couldn't help but become overjoyed with these truths! John and Wendi, we are so very excited for you and what is to come. God is indeed so good and we love being able to witness our Lord showering you with blessings upon blessings. Incredible! Can't wait to read your next post. Although Isaac did an amazing job on this one . . . that kid has a got one heck of a future!
wow wendi! im so happy for you!
That Florida water I tell ya ....
Congratulations is the only word I can think of but it certainly doesn't seem like enough - enjoy every second!!!
Joia's Laura :)
Wendi and John,Isaac and Scrubs,
I have to say that I sorta knew or I had a feeling. (just like Curuous George) You know that I am an old lady now and we have this assurance that our God can do anything. Also, your dad, Grandpa Coach, NEVER waivered or thought nothing else). First of all, when you and John accepted Isaac God knew then and right then that you loved him unconditionally and that is what our God wants from us and He will give it back pressed down, shaken together, and running over back......Wendi, you and John were at the sacrificial place and our Lord God provided you your hearts desire....Love ya, Miss Rita
Wendi and John,Isaac and Scrubs,
I have to say that I sorta knew or I had a feeling. (just like Curious George) You know that I am an old lady now and we have this assurance that our God can do anything. Also, your dad, Grandpa Coach, NEVER waivered or thought nothing else). First of all, when you and John accepted Isaac God knew then and right then that you loved him unconditionally and that is what our God wants from us and He will give it back pressed down, shaken together, and running over back......Wendi, you and John were at the sacrificial place and our Lord God provided you your hearts desire....Love ya, Miss Rita
Wendi -
I read your blog everyday. I found it through Hannah's Prayer. I am just floored about your news - so absolutely amazed! Know that the Lord is using your story to bring me much hope that nothing is too difficult for the Lord. We are in the process of adopting from Russia, but I still long to conceive and experience pregnancy.
Your story just serves as a reminder that God's plans have a unique purpose. If any of your fertility treatments had worked or this had happened any earlier, you might not have gotten the opportunity to adopt Isaac. I am believing that God is doing this in our lives by saying "not yet" to our desires so that other wonderful events can take place. It's encouraging to see that in your life He seems to be doing the same. I can't see it yet in my life, so it is really encouraging to see it played out in your life.
So happy and amazed for you guys!
Allison :)
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you. What a blessing!
I read your blog yesterday and for just a few minutes, I was TOTALLY confused! But then I kept reading, and the more I read, the happier I got! It's so weird that I can feel this way for an awesome couple, their newborn son and silly little dog. But I could not be happier for you. Isn't this the way it generally happens? When you LEAST expect it?? Congrats to Wendi, JB, lirrle Isaac and Scrubby! Man...your house is growing by leaps and bounds!!
Marlene aka Jakesmom from the Dal board
I'm still in SHOCK, but so happy for you all. Looking forward to celebrating this wonderful news with you. You're going to be so cute pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!
Madre & Padre K.
All I can say is way to go. My kids and I were thrilled to hear the news. We will pray for you two (sorry 4) and hope to see the new baby soon. You know this means Scrubs will have to go, he will be jealous out of his mind.
Again Congrats and Love,
Scott Ray and Kids
Isaac... tell your mommy to post the story of how she found out and when you little sibling is due to arrive. Details details!!! We are so excited for you :)
My mouth is still on the floor and I can't find words to express how excited we are for you :) John and Wendi we can not think of two people who deserve this more than the two of you . . . CONGRATULATIONS! . . . We're sorry we missed you last weekend when you were in MN. Please let us know next time you're in town and we'll meet up . . .
Summer and Bill
This is Kathleen, Philip's mom, Joia's mom-in-law, Keenan's Gr'ma...you get the picture...
I watched the video of Joia and then the power point and I just wanted to post my congratulations to all of you.
7 years ago, at the age of 46, we were blessed with a surprise and God named him Isaac too. He is living true to the meaning of his name, and bringing us much laughter, as I'm sure your little Isaac is doing also.
Isn't God amazing how he works things out? If you had not been infertile, you would not have had Isaac! This happened to a guy I used to work with and his wife. They tried for years and years and finally adopted and as soon as it was completed, she became pregnant.
Our God is an AWESOME God and I just wanted to rejoice with you "in person" and not via Joia's blog.
You have committed your ways unto the Lord and (truly) He has directed your paths! (Prov. 3:5-6).
With tears of joy,
P.S. Tell Isaac what a great job he did with the post! :-)
Wendi, that brought tears to my eyes- I loved your power point presentation. I am so happy for you!!!
SHUT UP!!!...
that was my response when Lucy told me at The Kitchenworks today. I can't wait to talk to Joan when she gets back in town. Wow...God is so amazing! Your story is so beautiful...congrats again!
That video is priceless! Your face was hilarious!!!! Love, Jessica (Joia's SIL)
OK, I forgot I was posting on Wendi's blog...I meant to say Joia's face was hilarious! I am so excited!!!!!
Jessica (Joia's SIL)
I am so very happy for you wendi, i know you can do it. Try Preggie Drops for the nausea. Love you
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We just heard the wonderful news and are super excited for you guys.
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