Thursday, June 05, 2008

Silly Scrubby

My Scrubby can be a silly puppy sometimes. Right now he is wandering around the living room with the rawhide I gave him secured in his mouth crying without ceasing. Since rawhides are not a frequent treat, and we have been known to take them from him when he isn't looking so he doesn't eat too much at once, Scrubs seems to constantly worry that he is going to lose his rawhide. This is especially a problem since these bones make him thirsty. He will often walk up to me, rawhide in his mouth as if to say: I need to go get a drink. But if I put this down you will take it from me. What am I to do? I have found him trying to hide his bone in the cushions of his chair or the confines of his pallet on the floor -- desperate to prevent us from taking it back while he gets a drink. To be fair, we have purchased much smaller ones for him now, and we allow him to chew it until it is gone. But somehow, way back in the recesses of his mind, he must be reminded that setting the bone down means a lost bone. He just can't bear it. So, the answer. Carry it around, from room to room, crying of thirst but refuse to let it go. Poor puppy.

Speaking of puppy, in the nearly a year that Scrubs has lived in our home, I have gained a new understanding for people who name their dogs Shadow. Scrubs is, without a doubt, my shadow. The dog follows me everywhere. He does laundry with me, tries to help with the dishes, and yes, will pick up a trot to get into the bathroom before I shut him out. He waits by the changing table for Isaac to get changed or lays on the floor of Isaac's room while I feed him. If I go outside for any reason, Scrubs moves around the house, from room to room, sitting by the nearest window to where I am so he can see me. Sometimes my shadow is endearing, but sometimes, a girl just wants some privacy. Putting on clothes is especially difficult. He wants to check out everything I put on and take off.

Right now, Isaac is asleep and Scrubs and I are hanging out in my "office" (which is really just my computer in the eat-in part of our kitchen.) I am waiting for word from my Dad as to what time he is coming in tonight and trying to fix my computer which all of a sudden, is not loading Outlook properly. (Computer problems make me go crazy!) I am debating whether to join the ladies for book club tonight based on what time my Dad plans to arrive. We'll just have to see.

Okay, scratch that. Isaac is no longer asleep. Off to get the crying babe.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, your privacy is a thing of the past, Wendi!! Once Isaac starts getting mobile, he too will be following you everywhere.
There were many, many years that I couldn't go to the bathroom without a pet or a child pushing the door open, "just to see what you're doing"!!! LOL
One of the joys of motherhood!!

Unknown said...

Oh yes this is so true . . . your privacy days are over! It reminds of a story from a lady that was in our church in Oregon. They had just built a big home with 4 bathrooms in it. She said one day she just needed some time to herself so decided to go into the half bathroom downstairs thinking her boys wouldn't think to look for her there. Well not long after she was in there, the door opened and there stood her 5 year old boy. She then exclaimed, "My gosh, I don't have any privacy!" The little boy looked at his mom with a shocked look on his face and said to her "Oh no! You don't have a privacy?" The mom said she laughed so hard and it was just the medicine she needed!

I love that story! It makes me laugh!