Saturday, October 10, 2015

Friday Funnies

While reading the book above, Hannah informed me that I looked like the biggest monkey playing the biggest drum. Lovely.


After about a week of rain, Hannah informed me: "The rain is off."


Sidge: "Here are my three favorite sports. Basketball ... if I have good people playing with me or I am good. Football ..."
Isaac: "But people can get pretty injured playing football."
Sidge: "Yeah. Well I don't like to play real football. Just kid-kind."
Isaac: "They can get thrown to the ground and stuff."
Sidge: "Right I know. Basketball, football, and soccer."
Isaac: "Football is dangerous."


I'm constantly amazed at the things I say to my kids. This morning it was, "Please take that underwear off your head and put it on your bottom."


Sidge asked me this morning, "Does God laugh? I mean if we are being silly do you think he thinks it is funny."


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