Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We can think other cultures are "strange" for the way they do things. But have you ever stopped to think what other cultures might think of Americans.? We certainly have some strange traditions too.
Friday was a half day of work for JB. Families joined in on the festivities. Money was paid to allow a few the opportunity to be smashed in the face with a pie. Someone put enough money on JB to gurantee him a spot! Go them!
The catch? These weren't just ordinary pies. They were disgusting concotions of baked beans, tuna fish, toothpaste ... the list goes on. It stunk to high heaven. But since the money was being raised for chairty ... well, anything for a good cause.
Part II involved more money. People could pay to be the pie thrower. I gave the boys five bucks, and no one wanted to bid against a couple of little kids. So they got to be the throwers (with the help from "Chief"). Chief is the lady in pink who is one of the highest ranked enlisted individuals on the Base. While JB outranks "Chief", special consideration is given to these amazing enlisted individuals.
So here are some photos (and a video) of the boys getting to smash a pie in their daddy's face.

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