Friday, September 28, 2012

Headed to Germany (and the reason why)

Connie's arrival could not have come at a more perfect time. I am going to be taking the rotator, with Abigail, to Ramstein Germany very soon. (As always, I don't give exact dates on my blog.) I will actually be going back to Landstuhl hospital, where I had Abigail over a year ago, to get a specialized ultrasound done that they do not do on the island.

The reason: IVF #5.

I wasn't sure I was going to write about this on my blog. But I guess I am. I just decided to about four seconds ago. It's on my mind. And when something is on my mind, I write about it. Avoiding writing about what is on my mind is almost painful to me. I think that's why my blog is so honest (and sometimes vulnerable.) I have to say what is there.

And right now, what is there is IVF.

IVF. Again. Our fifth try with IVF to be exact. We are going back for our embryos in December.

So to answer the questions I can picture floating around on the back of your tongue.

Why now? Well why not. When is it a good time? No time like the present. In short, I am 35. Not getting any younger. We don't like having them "in limbo." So we decided to go for it. In the end, we just feel the Lord saying, "GO!" and so we shall go.

Will it work this time? No idea. No one can know. No one can know whether my issue, previously, was something related to our embryos or whether it was something within my body that has now corrected itself. In speaking with Dr. Coddington, who was my doctor for most of my infertility journey and who is still at Mayo, my embryos look "excellent." This was confusing to me because I had been under the impression, previously, that they were not very good. But he said he is not sure where I got that information from. That he feels that they look great. He felt confident that our chances of this working were as good as anyone's and there was no telling whether our previous failures would be repeated.

Can you deliver on the island? No. Just like Turkey. I'd have to leave the island for delivery. Not something I enjoyed the first time. Not something I'd want to do the second time. But who even knows if I'll get to that point.

Are you actually ready to add another child to your brood? No. Not really if I am honest. I had three kids three and under. Now I have three kids four and under. I don't feel quite ready. But we have Connie here. I am 35 (which is considered 'advanced maternal age.') We are fully committed to those embryos. We feel we must not forget about them. We are following the Lord's leading.

How many embryos will you transfer? The answer is: 2. Protocol has changed since I went in for my first four IVF's, the last of which was in the summer of 2007. They will dethaw all 7 of our remaining embryos and attempt to get them to grow further outside of my womb but in the lab. Some may die. Some may live. But these embryos, because they are fully developed, have a better life expectancy inside the womb. So Dr. Coddington recommended transferring no more than 2. Not 3 like I did during our last try with IVF. So two I will do. Any embryos past the number 2, can be refrozen for another try at a later date.

How do you feel? Am I nervous? Yes. But this time, not so much about it not working but about the memories. Going back to that clinic. Going back in that ultrasound room. In the operating room. Blood work. Ultrasounds. I'm not really afraid this time of it working or not working. We have three children, and if this is all the family I have, it's a great amount of family for me. But I just don't want to think about that dark place I was in for five years. I don't want to remember all the tears.

In infertility circles, a negative is referred to as BFN "big fat negative." I started thinking about what our infertility entailed and the best I could come up with was:
  1. 8 months trying before seeing doctors due to no ovulation -- BFN x 8 (although these didn't result in a phone call to be told the cold, hard facts.)
  2. 3 failed attempts to ovulate on clomid -- BFN x 3
  3. 2 negative IUIs (artificial inseminations) -- BFN x 2
  4. 2 cancelled IUI's -- BFN x 2
  5. 1 year on metformin but no other treatments (ovulated twice) -- BFN x 2
  6. 1 cancelled IUI/permitted to try on our own -- BFN x 1
  7. 4 IVF transfers -- BFN x 4
So that equals 22 times total ... 14 times that we had to have someone call us and tell us (or we found out ourselves) that things did not work. I also thought I would try to estimate how many pills, shots, and doctors appointments this was but quite honestly, I do not even know how to begin to calculate those numbers. I'll just say that from the best I can estimate, I have probably had upwards of one hundred internal ultrasounds. But that is such a crazy guess. I have no earthly idea.

But it's time. We've been on the phone with Mayo quite a bit in the last two weeks getting all the details established. There's lots to figure out. For now I know that I have to get some fancy ultrasound done before I go, and they don't do it on the island. So to Germany I go. I will take Abigail and leave the boys here simply to split up some of the love (aka "responsibility") a bit. I know I will get to see and stay with Shane & Linda (and their doggie Bonnie) in Germany. What a gift that will be.

We are currently planning on doing the transfer this winter. The military gives any family who does "two continuous overseas assignments" (in our case Turkey and now the Azores) up to 30 days of paid time off. They pay to fly us back to our "home of record" and they allow JB to use his vacation days to go.

So we will fly to South Florida as a family, spend a week, and then JB and I will leave the kids with family in South Florida and go to Rochester, Minnesota for the trasnfer (and get to see old friends like Ron & Ebby, Dave & Lesley, and Jake & Rana), and then we will return to South Florida to spend Christmas before flying back to the island.

I will keep you posted ... of course. Mostly I ask you just to pray for my emotional well-being during this journey. Again, not for the result, but just for the memories of a darker time that I have no choice but to revisit.


nakedcarlyart said...

It is strange from the point of view of someone who perhaps doesn't ever want children (at least no time soon), to get this glimpse into your world and your struggle. I can't say I relate because I have never been where you are, but I can certainly empathize. I hope this whole situation works out as well, safely, and sanely as it can. Take care.

Kate said...

I love that you are listening to the Lord and following His prompting. I can relate (a little), because we were DONE DONE DONE having babies after our second, but God prompted us to try for baby #3 and thankfully we listened! His plan is so much better than any plan we make for ourselves! Will be praying for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Back to Minnesnowta In December Brr

Carrie said...

I was just thinking yesterday about how we want one more and wondered if we were willing to try IVF if we fail on our own. The thought of going through all of that again immediately made start to panic so I feel your pain.

If we had had any frozen embryos though there is no doubt in my we would go back for them.


Beth said...

We are just in Rochester on Wednesday. As we drove through downtown on the way to our appointment I was flooded with memories of you and an overwhelming need to pray for you. I am still truly amazed that God prompts those kind of prayers before we even know what to pray about. We are still in the Twin Cities if you need a place to stay it a ride somewhere. Many prayers over the next months.

Debbie said...

Praying for you Wendi.

Leeann Peterson said...

Wendi and John and the Clan,
I think of you and your story often. I remember you CLEARLY telling me of your committment to the embryos in MN the day you had Sidge. Amazing story, amazing family. Best of luck fulfilling God's will! :-)

Joy Z said...

I'm excited for you and nervous for you so I'll pray for you my friend! God is so kind and I'm still amazed at your story.

Anonymous said...

Oh Wendi, I just knew this day was coming at some point and we are just praying for you and every aspect of this journey! So many memories flooded over me from your previous blogs yrs ago..everything you( and the LORD!) have been through! You are one of the strongest women I have ever known and you will be fine! There will be so many people praying for you and I know you will feel those prayers! The Lord be with you!! How wonderful you can spend Christmas with your families!!! Hope to see you then!! Love and Prayers and a safe trip to Germany! Nancy and Tom

TAV said...

Thanks for the update. I so remember that time. Wish our paths would cross... we are in Roch 11/17- 11/19 before seeing my dad's family for Thxgiving.

Anonymous said...

If you feel up to it when you are here and want to visit just let me know. I know how busy you will be and how stressful this will be for you so understand if you can't. I'll be praying for you.


Joia said...

WOW!!!!! I need to keep up better, I can't believe I missed this! Hoping and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. Since you obviously aren't even able to handle three children without live in help, why would you add more? Do you expect people to leave their own lives to help you out for the rest of yours? This seems overly selfish and impractical to me, but I'm sure it's just because I don't understand your predicament. However, if you consider not using the embryos a "waste" or against God's will, why not donate them and allow another family the opportunity to have the same joy you do?

Becky said...

Wow, anonymous@10:08, your comment saddens and frankly angers me. First of all, Wendi is fully capable of taking care of her children by herself. As her friend, I have personally witnessed the fact that she is an amazing mother. Both her aunt and Veronica asked to come live with her because they wanted to see and experience a part of the world they wouldn't have otherwise been able to see. Who wouldn't take help like that if it was offered? Wendi didn't ask for it or impose on anyone, it was freely offered. As it has turned out the timing of the help has served a need in Wendi's life as she dealt with complications in her pregnancy and now to go back for her embryos; that is because we serve a God who loves us and provides for our needs. We don't know what is coming around the corner, but He does.

Furthermore, they are going back now because they are 100% committed to upholding the sanctity of human life (by your comment it would seem this is a viewpoint you don't share) and because the Lord has told them to go now. These are THEIR children. Why would they donate them to another couple when they desire and are able to add more children to their family?

Your comment is way off-base, it is mean, and since you made it anonymously it is cowardly. It seems to me that you intentionally wanted to hurt Wendi, you succeeded. I don't know what is going on in your life or how you have been hurt that has caused you to lash out at another person like this, but I hope you find the help you need.

Through her blog and in person, Wendi has encouraged countless women, I am one of them. The story of how and when each of her children has joined her family has been a particular source of great encouragement to me and many others. That us why she shares her heart and experiences so openly. I don't understand why you would attack her like this.