Monday, September 17, 2012


I posted over the weekend about the excitement brewing in our neck of the woods. Grampa was nearly finished building the boys their first official clubhouse. And not just any clubhouse ... a pirate ship clubhouse. Here were some pictures of the clubhouse under construction.  And here we are finishing it up this morning, right before we headed to the airport to send Grampa and Grampa back to their lives in America:
Scrubby LOVES the ship. Here he is keeping watch while Sidge and his new buddy Jackson work to hang the "Jolly Roger." I fought the idea of a skull and crossbones to no avail. JB says that any good pirate ship has to have a "Jolly Roger." 

JB gets the flag working while Carla and her boys look on. Scrubby, again, loves to be on the ship. 

The finished product -- a clubhouse underneath and a second deck which leads into the garden. 

The boys covering their ears as Grampa makes a few last cuts with the table saw. 

Grama posing with her two little pirates.
A front view of the new pirate ship.

How would we keep Abigail from going up the ladder? Grampa had the best idea! Put the first step up high enough so that she couldn't get up on it, and therefore would be unable to climb the ladder. This should buy us a few months -- don't you think. (Please excuse her lack of shirt -- the girl is constantly sweating, changing her clothes, puting on new shirts, shoes, etc. I really can't keep track of it anymore.) 

Our idea, as you will soon see, fell flat. Abigail immediately climbed up the step ...
... in fact, it took only about 4 seconds for Abigail to prove that idea inadequate.
Later that day, Abigail was playing by me on the front porch. The boys were on their ship. I turned to talk to Mom for a few seconds, and when I turned back around, the boys were yelling, "Is this an emergency, Mom?" Their little sister was on the top step, heading up. It's going to be interesting keeping her away from the dangers of a ship built for 4 year olds!
Did I also tell you I found her on top of the dining room table dancing on the boys' puzzles? Hmmm .... maybe I'll save that story for another day.


Carrie said...

Very cool clubhouse!

Our diningroom chairs currently reside stacked on top of each other next to the table because we have a (15 month old) climber as well. She terrifies me on a daily basis so I just keep trying to make things that I can't change as safe for her to scale as possible. :/

Kiley said...

I had an early climber. 7 months old. On top of the table, the chairs and trying for the bunk beds at nearly 12 months of age. He is a STRONG BOY and very willed. I finally just let him climb. And I am glad I did. He is really good at it and compared to his friends his age, he has fantastic gross motor skills and because we just let him "trial and error" learn on his own. He never falls. Its hard not to want to watch the constantly and worry that they will get hurt. But sometimes the best things can be just letting them try and fail. And try again. She might surprise you. The other day I took Oliver to the park. He amazed myself and everyone there by climbing the rock wall after I told him he was too little. Up he went with no help (but my careful hand by his side). It always amazes me how kids even at a young age will know there limits. Good luck with your little monkey!!


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Actually kiley this is what weve been doing ... Let her do it, with us close by.