Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All three

A rare moment. All three kiddos in one place at one time, acting peaceful enough to allow Mom, home alone with all three, to get out the camera and shoot a little video. I loved these few moments:

How is the mom doing? I am doing okay. I would love if you continued to add me to your prayer list. I still appear to be a little on the "blue" side although I am having more good days than bad right now. We are doing well but are still quite bleary-eyed and overwhelmed with our three kiddos.
Abigail is doing fantastic. She is gaining weight beautifully. She is also sleeping through the night. She is usually in bed by 10pm and sleeps until at least 5 and often 6am. I know, it would probably be advised that I wake her up for a feed, but as long as she is gaining weight so well, my plans do not include doing that thank you very much. She is eating approximately every three hours through the day now. This includes a 30-minute breast feed followed by up to 4 ounces of formula. I am also pumping 3 times a day to try to keep my milk supply up and to store breast milk for future use.
I am still in complete awe of where our life is right now. I had someone email me the other day asking about an old post I had written. She was looking for a poem she remembered vaguely. I found the post, written in October of 2005. Here it is. Two whole years would go by after that post before we began the wait for Isaac. That was in 2007! Now, here we are, in 2011 with three kids. I truly cannot believe it. I can't believe I am a mom. I can't believe, I mean canNOT believe that I have three children. It is nearly unfathomable to me. I feel incredibly blessed. I feel that our life is a miracle. I feel so lucky. I feel so undeserving of these three gifts. I feel that I am not enough of a woman and a mom right now for all three of them and my hubby and my doggie. I feel stretched and overwhelmed and in love and tired and ecstatic and excited and nervous and scared and hormonal all rolled into one.
I hope that our story continues to provide proof that the direction of your life is not determined by your track record. Our record would have told anyone that we would never have biological children. While people tell you that pregnancy after adoption is the "norm", it is far from that (as I wrote about in a post here.) We were that couple. We were the couple that just wasn't going to have biological children. And we surely weren't going to have three children within three years.
But God is bigger than our plans. God's direction is unique and beautiful and so exciting. Wherever you may be on this journey, hang on tight and truly try to trust the Lord's perfect timing.
Speaking of adoption and speaking of exciting. jump over to John and Becky's blog. They should be going to pick up their little boy any day now. How awesome is that?!


Emily said...

Continuing to pray for your heart, mind and body as you cope with all these wonderful, exhausting changes!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! Take it one day at a time. I hope you continue to breastfeed as long as you can, it is so good for both you and Abigail!
Being hormonal can feel crazy. I try to just accept that that is how my body is going to feel. I'm not sure you can change it or control it. Just try to roll with it.
Praying for you!

John K (Temperate Climate Permaculture) said...

Marie, I am going to try for as long as I can but also going to be okay if my body says, "That's enough." My "current" goal is 3 months!

John K (Temperate Climate Permaculture) said...

oops, that was Wendi, not JohN!

Faith said...

They are so beautiful together. Hang in there, momma. As you know, it gets easier with time...

Marlene said...

Adorable! Love the way the boys call her "Baby Abigail"! It is so strange to think of when I first "met" you on the P&O Dal Board and then followed your story. From Scrubs to a family of 6! God is certainly surprising, isn't he?