That has all changed. First Francine Rivers. Karen Kingsbury. And then a string of other writers, that have left me deciding otherwise.
I recently received a copy of My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren from Tyndale House Publishers.* I had never heard of Susan May Warren. And, therefore, had definitely never read any of her work. (She's actually already authored more than a dozen other novels.) But once again, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of Christian fiction I have recently been reading. This is another one of those easy-to-read, spunky, and romantic works that just leaves you wanting to know what happens, feeling good about the world in which we live, and encouraged that love and romance can still exist in a clean and proper way -- something Hollywood would try to tell you otherwise.
This is the story of Isadora Presley and her best friend Lucy. It is two love stories intertwined into one well-developed (albeit a bit predictable) plot. There are a few spots that come off a bit corny (primarily when love finds itself directly on the football field) but overall, it feels realistic, simple, and natural. While readers most likely cannot put themselves directly into the two lead characters shoes, they most likely can relate to feeling like the world has gone on without you -- that your grief and fear is holding you back from being the person you want to be.
This is not a book for men. (My husband informed me of that after a quick glance at the cover and a quick read of the back.) But any woman, of any age, will enjoy this piece of romance done with the light of the Lord shining bright.
That being said, I am once again going to do a "book give-away" with this particular title on my blog. Please leave your name and email address in a comment (please only leave one comment.) One week from today I will choose a number at random and send the lucky winner the book!
Hurry up and enter away!
*In exchange for a free copy of this book, I have agreed to provide an honest review of the product.
I'm a huge fan of Karen Kingsbury!! I'd love love love to read My Fooish Heart! So, pick me, pick me :)
Jessie randjmills@myfairpoint.net
I would love to win the book:)
Linda Blonn
Ebby Ray
Amanda Oulton
I would love to win this book... I would even share with my daughter and mom in law!! Claudette Tipton momtip101@yahoo.com
Tiffany tkward82@yahoo.com
I keep up to date on Karen Kingsbury's books - absolutly love them. Looking for new christian authors.
Count me in! smboyd99@yahoo.com
I have read books based on your reviews before, thanks so much! I have a hard time finding good Christian fiction to read.
Kavitha ksjmarykay@gmail.com
an_dracula@yahoo.com Sounds like a nice read!
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