Sunday, November 23, 2008

In labor!!!

Well folks . . . guess what?!

Okay, sorry. I probably have you all breathing heavy and about to have a heart attack. Don't worry. Labor has nothing to do with me.

Did I scare you?! Ha!

It's not me. But it is one of JB's patients.

JB slept in the guest room last night. He's been sleeping there during this rotation so that he can sleep in longer and not get woken up by baby or dog. He decided to stay there last night too as he is feeling so lousy . . .

At around 4am, the phone rings. I answer it. They are looking for "Dr. K." It's always weird when I hear people put doctor in front of my husband's name. He's just John, silly! But I've gotten more used to it, and at 4am, I don't care what they call him!

I go to the guest room where JB has slept right through his pager going off. No wonder they called the house phone. He says he is feeling better as he pulls his scrubs on, grabs his stethoscope, pets the dog, and heads out the door.

As always, I am happy for the lady who is finally completely her pregnancy journey. I'm also happy that she didn't go into labor on Thanksgiving day. I am a bit bummed as a delivery on your day off is just that -- a delivery on your day off. If someone goes into labor during the work week, you get out of whatever else you are doing to deliver the baby. If they deliver on a day off, you just lose your day off. Oh well.

It'll be a churchless morning for Isaac and myself. I am finally feeling nearly back to myself, but Isaac still has a little ways to go. And JB, if he gets home at any point, has a long way to go before he tries to go back to work tomorrow. Pray for him to get an extra dose of strength!


Anonymous said...

So not funny.
Happy for the other mom-to-be; most likely, she and her new baby will be home for Thanksgiving:)What a blessing it must be to deliver babies!:)Will be praying things go well!
And I was really glad to read John will be home for Thanksgiving,
take care! love ya, mom k

TAV said...

those babies never cooperate. it's totally not based in evidence but, from experience, i have to say, most babies are born on the weekend (/day off) at 4 a.m. sooooooo convenient :)