Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things i learned before lunchtime

1. Scrubs can somehow (I have no idea how) get things off our kitchen counters.
2. Ingesting a whole months worth of "Frontline" for fleas and ticks will not hurt a dog. (Thanks to the Vet who comforted me with this knowledge.)
3. I can yell very loud when I am very scared and overwhelmed.
4. Scrubs can sulk very well when he is being yelled at very loudly.


Tara said...

But how can you get mad when you look at him and there is that big adorable heart looking back at you? :)

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Yeah, you'd think that heart nose would hold me back, but man, I found it all quite easy! :) And then I felt bad for the poor little fellow.

Rachel and Hans said...

i'm glad that it won't hurt him! now you're going to have to watch EVERYTHING you put on the counter! :-)

Anonymous said...

So cute Wen!!! He looks like he'd be pretty hard to stay mad at !

AW said...

Wendi, my MIL just recently adopted a golden retriever female who is a "counter surfer". My FIL complained the other day that the dog ate some rolls that were on the kitchen counter. "Well at least they were the wheat rolls", says my MIL. As if she were so proud that her new dog chose that over the white rolls. LOL! Then a few days later she actually opened the pantry door and got into some bran muffins. Poor doggy - she thinks she has an irregularity issue, but she doesn't. :-(

A few days later my MIL learned to put mouse traps upside down on the counters. So now when her new dog tries to paw up there, she triggers the traps, making them jump and noisy, but it doesn't hurt her since they're upside down. Just a thought you might consider...I'll let you know if it's working over here.

Anonymous said...

Scrubs must be a distant relative of Bronte (as in Charlotte-JB's first dog)She loves chocolate and has been known to get an unopened package of Oreo's off the middle of the dining room table (4'x8')and rip it open and eat the whole pack. Nose-0pen the kitchen cupboards and take out a box of choc cake mix and rip open the box and eat the mix-leaving the box of Milk bones alone...Pick out the wrapped box of choc candy under the Christmas tree and eat only the candy. Just a few of her choc finds. I would suggest that you hide the heart worm meds, these are tastier than the flea treatments! Glad she's okay. By the way, another "mom lesson" for you. Now, maybe you won't react in kind when your child pulls her first something horrifically gross or scary!:)

Anonymous said...

PS...now that we are eating wiser, Bronte is going to be healthier, too!