Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Guys, this is the worst weather in 4 years

I keep thinking it but am afraid to say it. I keeping thinking this is the worst cold since we moved here. But I keep thinking, "Surely it's just in my imagination." I know the experts just came out with all this new stuff on global warming so I keep thinking, surely, it has been worse in one of my four previous years.

Today I decided that it has not. One thing has sealed the deal for me.

When I walk to Mayo each morning I exit and enter through the Baldwin Parking Ramp (3rd floor if you care). If you ever enter through Baldwin, you know where I am talking about. Folks, the door, on the INSIDE is COVERED with frost. And the frost seems to be growing everyday. Not just a bit of frost. But the entire door is next-to-white.

So I started thinking. I've been working at Mayo and entering through that same door for three years. And for three years, I have never seen frost on the inside of the door.

So I deducted that this is the worst weather we have ever had.

Another bit of "proof" that things are bad came in email form my good buddy Sheila. Here is what Sheila wrote:

We didn't do our usual lunch today (me eating while reading your blog and offering you chocolate each time I have my piece of chocolate for lunch) since I woke up to a flat tire this morning. I was so good and stayed home most of the weekend so that I wouldn't have to brave the cold and actually made cookies to bring in while I was home (didn't burn a one either!). So at lunch I went out to buy two new tires. It seems that the tire got cold and pulled away from the metal rim and went flat. Then it froze to the ground and cracked, so it had to be replaced.

Have you ever heard of this? It was so cold, her tired froze to the ground!

Gold warming experts -- come visit Minnesota. Even the locals are whining (a lot!)


Anonymous said...

I heard on the news the other morning that this has been the coldest winter since the 1970's for the entire country.

TAV said...

Yeah. I am seriously doubting this global warming thing.

AW said...

I know we don't have anything NEAR to what type of winter you guys have, but this winter in Dallas has had more days close to/below freezing than we're used to. We typically have one or two cold snaps, but we've had quite a few so far. So it seems maybe it is the coldest winter for the entire country!

Gabbs said...

Not for FL!! So far, it seems the warmest. Phewy.