Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday again

The weekend is over.

It was a good weekend. Friday evening I went to a new downtown restaurant for dinner with our friend Rachel. Then she and I caught up with our friends at a great concert in the Gonda lobby (pictured above). You can just barely see the black piano right under the statue. During the week at Mayo, any talented pianist is welcome to use the piano and play. Sometimes people sing. It is amazingly beautiful. At the concert (hosted by our friend Tara -- and incidentally, in case you didn't know, her name is pronounced Tar-uh) medical and graduate students performed a variety of songs and instruments. Some of them were decently talented but others are amazingly talented. Honestly, I often feel very ordinary at these concerts, listening to future physicians show even more talent. I have gone 3 out of the 4 years I have been here and enjoy it every time.

Saturday JB and I spent the first half of the day getting all of 5 of our group's Visas together and sent to Washington D.C. He then did a lot of work around the condo while I puttered around the house. JB also attended some lectures at the L'abri conference. If you do not know what L'abri is, check it out
HERE. We also got invited over to the Jones' at the last minute for dinner. She had made food for another couple who called in sick. And we all know Lesley won't waste food ... so she asked us to eat it!

Sunday was church (the youth led worship and did a fantastic job) and then lots of work around the condo before hanging out at the Rays and with Lesley watching American Race, eating pizza, and playing some Mexican trains.

Now it is Monday morning and another week has begun. Hope it's a good one for everyone.

1 comment:

TAV said...

wow-- did it really take half a day to do visas? let me know if i have to redo part of some form (jb said something to me about that).
thanks for coming friday! i'm wondering which 'group' of talent you think i fit into :)