Matt, JB, and Rob (taken 2 years ago)
So I must take a moment to congratulate the youngest Kit. who will be the 6th Kit. to graduate from Fort Lauderdale Christian School in June. I have to give a big shout out to JB's "little" brother Robbie. Rob scored a 1300 on his SATs! Now not only is this score amazing (I won't even tell you what I scored), but it also entitled him to a FULL TUITION scholarship to any Florida school he gets into plus a monthly stipend. We are so unbelievably proud of Rob. This is an amazing accomplishment and something he worked very hard for. He had the score to get a 75% scholarship but really studied hard to get the extra 30 points he needed, and instead ended up with an extra 60 points. His first choice is the University of Florida. Anything is okay if it isn't the University of Miami.
In other news ...
Sunday after church, we went and saw the new James Bond with Ajit. You know, I really liked it (much to my surprise!) It was a long movie, but despite the fact that I am not a huge James Bond fan, I still really enjoyed it. I got lost a few times, and after it was over we had a big debate about some of the events, but all-in-all ... quite entertaining.
Last night, of course, was the caffeine-ridden family medicine dinner, and today was JB's interview day. He had four different interviews and spent the entire day touring Mayo and Rochester with other candidates who, were obviously not associated with the area. He said the interviews went very well, and he was thoroughly impressed with the program. Quite honestly, he would feel great if we were told we were going to Eglin or if we were told we were staying here. So, we continue to wait for the news of where we are going.
I'm also a little sad today. Dr. Turner's Lab finished their move today. They have left our floor on Guggenheim 6 forever and have relocated to Stabile, a building away. It is eerily empty on the floor now, and I have a whole large office to myself instead of sharing it. Rumor has it our lab is supposed to relocate in March so we would have eventually had to have said good bye, but it was still bitter-sweet. I hope to stop over and see them (and vice versa) now and then
Okay, now onto the "Song of the Week" courtesy of my Tante Jan. Here are the lyrics, and of course the song itself can be listened to by clicking on the link to the right. Enjoy!

oohh...i'm going to put in one last plug for rochester! GO MAYO! :-)
Holy cow-- 4 interviews?? That's a lot!
Actually it was 5. Residency director, assoc. res. director, 2 other staff, and one of the chief residents. They were each about 20-30 minutes long. But it wasn't too bad. Like I have any trouble talking!
Great job Robbie!!!!
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