John (married to me)
Ray (married to Gabbi with two kids -- Grace and Nathan)
Katie (engaged to Eddie)
Matt (in love with Danielle)
Rob (currently available) The brothers and sisters range in age from 33 (I think) to Rob (17). Quite a span. I know I keep talking about everyone, and everyone is probably lost, so hopefully that will help. My family is easy as I just have the one brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law. However, if I attempted to give you a rundown of my aunts and uncles and cousins, you would be equally as lost. My dad comes from a family of six, my mom from a family of five, and there are more grand kids and great-grand kids than I am currently awake enough to count. Okay, back to my yesterday-recap. Yesterday, JB and I got up fairly early and headed over to the Kits to see his sister Katie and her fiancee Eddie and his brother Matt. Katie and Eddie live on Catalina Island and had returned from a Hawaii vacation. Matt had been on a month of Army training. We stayed at the Kits for a bit before realizing that nearly everyone was sick. Not wanting to join them, we headed down to Joan and Roy's. Joan and Roy are like my second parents -- I spent tons of time with them when I was younger. I babysat for their son Brant until he passed away in 1989 and then babysat for their daughter Brianna from 1990 until I left for college in 1995. Here is a current picture of Joan and Bri, who is now, quite grown up.

I tried to get a picture of their dog, Andre Agassi, but the little sucker is too fast and won't sit still. He's running around behind them (and probably urinating on JB again). (Yes, the dog peed on JB when we went to visit them in Vermont one year, thus getting the nickname "The Urinator" and becoming quite unpopular with John.)
After visiting for awhile, enjoying lunch at the Cheesecake factory, and playing a fun new game called Blokus (which really isn't that fun when you play with JB because he won every time), we headed to Coral Springs to watch FLCS' girls and boys teams play. However, we didn't factor in that rush hour in Fort Lauderdale would turn our 40 minute drive into a 90 minute drive so we missed the girls' game entirely, coming in just-in-time for Rob's game. A bunch of fam on both sides then convened at Chipotle (Florida has them now folks!) for a quick bite to eat.
It is now 8:30 on Friday morning. We have been here one week! We woke up early, went for a run, and now JB is at breakfast with an old high school friend while I prepare to sit by the pool for a bit before heading out to watch my dad's team play and get my haircut from my favorite hair dresser.
Hope you enjoyed the incidentals.
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