Janet is my mother's sister (one of two sisters and two brothers). She has been very special to me during my infertility journey, and I have so appreciated her in my life. She is kind of a "kindred spirit" for me. Janet and Ed have two children, Cara (who is married to Bryan) and currently teaching English as a second language in Illinois and Eddie (who is married to Hannah and has a son, Gabe). He is studying for his PhD at Vanderbilt in Nashville. Oh how I wish I was there. I LOVE Nashville.
Ed and Janet are currently on a two year break from life in Indonesia. They are still doing their work but are doing it from Illinois. We were able to visit them a few months back and hope to again soon. JB loves my Uncle Ed! I think this is because JB actually has someone who is interested in some of the things he is interested in when he is hanging out with my Oom Ed.
Anyways, I loved this picture and decided to add it to my blog with a little introduction. Maybe I will do this more often so that my loyal blog readers can get acquainted with each other.
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As a quick note, my grandmother Huisman's sister Helen died on Sunday morning. This was not unexpected and Helen was near 90 I believe. Her husband Ray had died not too long ago. However, this is still not easy on my grandma as she has spent a lot of time with Helen over the last few years and Helen was her last remaining sibling. Please be praying for my grandmother.
Also, I got an email from my cousin Sarah yesterday and if she doesn't have "Slappy" by Thursday, they plan to induce on Friday!
I have actually been toying with the idea of trying to get to Chicago in the next few weeks both to be with my grama and to see my other family including Slappy. We'll see.
Also, you can vote for Josh again (ever 24 hours is permitted.) He's up to 25. Let's keep him moving!
1 comment:
Auntie Helen was 94!!!
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