Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ms. Lee and Eagle

Here's the kiddos with their friend Ms. Lee. Ms. Lee has a cabin next-door to Roy and Joni's cabin in Vermont. She and her Dad spend the summer there. 

We have enjoyed getting to see Ms. Lee each time we go to Vermont. We went out to dinner with her this time and watched part of a movie and played some ping-pong and had them join us for an Indian dinner that John cooked. 

The highlight of our trip this year involved Ms. Lee. We got a sudden text and then a phone call that she had spotted a bald eagle on Lake Seymour. We ran outside to see this:

Wow. Wow. Wow. 

The Bald Eagle is one of all of our favorite birds, but it is especially Sidge's favorite bird. He has seen a juvenile and an adult from far away, but we got a right up close view of this beauty. It truly is one of the most majestic moments of all of our lives.

Thank you Ms. Lee for having an eagle eye!!!

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