Friday, September 18, 2020

When Wendi Dresses Up

A permaculture guy came to the farm today. A visitor. Normally we have a lot of visitors, but with COVID, visits have slowed down. 

About ten minutes before he arrived, JB mentioned that it would probably be nice if I came out and met him.

I looked down at myself. T-shirt and shorts. Hair pulled up in a messy bun. (Has anyone ever seen my hair any other way?) Not a stitch of make-up on my face. I was wiping down the dining room table with a kitchen rag, and I'm pretty sure I hadn't brushed my teeth.

I slipped into the bedroom and spent about 5-10 minutes doing some cleaning up. I put on earrings and mascara and even some perfume. I brushed my teeth and put on some jean capri's and a not-dirty t-shirt.

I walked out of the room and heard:

"Where are you going?"

"Why are you so dressed up?"

"Are you wearing perfume?"

"Mom, you have earrings on!"

"Where did you get those pants?"

I'm not kidding you. I'm a farmer. I'm dirty a lot. And then, COVID has changed every single in-person thing we do to zoom which means I'm home a lot. I'm not sure the last time I dressed up for anything? Honestly? Truly? It was before COVID. Seriously.

I can picture what it must have been like for early pioneers. Where did they go? Who would see them? Did they even own a mirror? Life was work. What was the point of getting cleaned up?

I'm thinking, based on my kids' reactions, I should probably at least, try to do a slightly better job putting myself together now and then.

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