Monday, September 21, 2020

A story of: The Good Cop/NOT the teacher & The Bad Cop/the Teacher

This is Wendi/Mom as illustrated in a photo today drawn by Hannah: 
Wendi is AKA "The bad guy" AKA "The teacher" 

This is JB/Dad as illustrated in a photo today drawn by Hannah: 
John is AKA "The good guy" AKA "NOT The teacher" 

This is Hannah: The drawer of the pictures.
She has a chocolate circle on her head because she decided to lick a chocolate chip and stick it to her head for reasons unbeknownst to us.

I've been a real bonafide teacher. Like PAID MONEY BY PEOPLE to educate their children.

I've been a real bonafide parent. Okay. Yes. I still technically am a parent.

And now I get to be both. Teacher and parent all rolled into one. At the same time.

My cup runneth over with LUCK!

And here's the truth:

  • I am the bad guy. 
  • I am the teacher. 
  • Dad is cool. 
  • Dad is fun. 
  • Dad is not the teacher.

If mom (aka "me") leaves for the day the first words out of the boys' mouths is: "Good! No school!"

The attitude of our sixth grade boys and school has been more and more challenging as they get older. They are doing about 21 hours a week of actual school with me and Aunt Hannah. MAYBE another 10 hours with homework. John and I have repeatedly explained to them that if they attended school in person or even virtually, they would probably have more hours than that. I have explained to them that if they were in attending school, I would not have to be lesson preparing/grading/organizing etc. I could be home and do all kinds of other things instead of spending my entire day schooling them. (Although I am in NO way suggesting that stay-at-home Mamas with kids in school have it easy. Or that working Mamas have it easy. Please know we ALL HAVE OUR CRAZY!)

Today, at dinner, I asked all the kids what the "funnest" part of their day was. The girls gave fun answers quickly. Abigail said she had fun when she got to be the science teacher for the littles. Hannah liked running back from Grama's house to our house and "getting lost" in the sheep paddock. But both boys hemmed and hawed and tried to make it sound like there was nothing fun because they "had to do school."

I know they may not completely appreciate everything I do, but I just want there to be SOME GOOD in their minds for being home and schooling.

I know they are happy that they get to homeschool, but I don't think, without "going" to school in a building, that they can have the perspective of how things would be different if they were there. They think the work I am giving them is entirely too much. I know it is not. I know that if they were in "real school" they'd have at least that much "school time" if not more counting homework. I have spoken with many friends/teachers/parents, and I know I am not giving more whatsoever. 

But without perspective, how do you convince them? 

My husband never loses his cool. He stayed SO calm and collected and sent both boys upstairs. Then he went up to talk to them. After their discussion, he told them to go to their room while he "conferred with Mom." He didn't really confer with me very much. He instead just told them when they came back: "I wanted to put you on work detail so you can understand the hard work you will have to do if you don't have a high school diploma but Mom has said you should have ONE MORE CHANCE."

He let me be the good cop!!! 

It feels so wonderful to be the GOOD GUY! 

John seemed so serious but as soon as they left the room in a complete panic, he just smiled and said: "I think they get the message" and he smiled really big.

Makes me wonder how often my parents put on a show just to "get my attention."

So that's me in that picture above with my crazy paisley pants and red slippers ... being the good guy! 

And remembering that his mercies are new every morning. 

So tomorrow, here we come!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We have similar conversations...I refer to Christo as the "celebrity" parent b/c he is the one who is gone for work (or unavailable due to sleep b/c of the ER schedule) and so when he is around it is something spectucular...I'm old news. :)