Camille has a friend. Her name is Kristen, and they have been friends since childhood. Kristen is a mother of 9 children between the ages of 2 and 14. Yes. I said 9. Not only that but after watching her husband compete in a triathalon, she has decided to train for one herself.
I undersand that bug. Loyal blog followers may remember that I did a sprint triathalon with my best friend Kristi in 2010. I was hoping to do another one soon after but then God surprised us with Abigail and a Base that doesn't have a pool but a few months of the year. Either way, I definitely know I will run/bike/swim another in the future. I am really hoping our pool in the Azores will afford me the chance.
Kristen has done a few small triathlons, but now she has another goal. She’s trying to win a spot to participate in the Kona Ironman. This is the granddaddy of all Ironmans. You have to qualify to get in or win a lottery spot. You can't just go. Kristi's husband Lee qualified and participated in the Kona. A huge accomplishment. And now Kristen wants to win a spot. So Kristen created a 90 second video and entered it in the “Kona Inspired” contest.
From those who have entered, 8 winners will get to participate in the Ironman in Hawaii. Fifty percent of the judging comes from public voting. If Kristen wins, she will swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles within 17 hours. Unbelievable.
I especially loved Kristen's message when I watched her entry video. Here she is training for an ironman with nine children! She is swimming laps while pushing her baby in a floaty. They are biking and running as a family. None of us can make excuses and her message is loud and clear. She wants to inspire mothers to exercise with their children, and to do things as a family. In her own words she says, "My goal is to inspire mothers around the world to exercise with their families, so they can be strong and overcome life's challenges together."
This is a message that has become especially close to my heart as of late. My life is very busy. Exercising is very difficult. So I have made it a point to get out with my children everyday and do something active. Even if it is running around in circles on the lawn. I am so encouraged and inspired by Kristen's message and want to help share it.
To vote for Kristen, all you have to do is click here. You can watch her 90 second video and/or look to the left for a box that says “Vote for this” with a heart. Click the heart. That's it. You don't have to download any applications or login or register or anything.
Would you not only vote but consider linking to my blog entry so that you can help spread the word as well. Let's get this lady a spot in Kona!
She's got my vote! I am going to pass this on for people too:-)
wow what an amazing opportunity! i can't deny a mom wanting to accomplish something = voted! :)
Wendi, you're awesome! Thanks so much for your support.
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