Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Migraine Recap

My migraines (which I asked for prayer for here) have been much better. I have given up on finding a medicine or figuring out what is up with me hormonally. JB fervently suggested a change in diet. So I changed. I gave up all processed foods. Not all the time. Not forever. But for awhile. I am not without cheating, but I have stuck to it very well. Sort of a Paleo type of diet. And wouldn't you know, the headaches have gotten TONS better. It's still to early in the trial to know if it is coincidence or factual, but either way, I feel better. And isn't that all that matters?


Emily said...

That's great that you are feeling better! Migraines are the worst. It's hard to know which foods trigger them, but I know foods with high MSG are bad for my migraines. Staying away from processed foods is probably better for your health in general even besides helping with your migraines! Good luck with the diet!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Once I finally figured out that luncheon mean (sodium nitrates) was causing mine it was a huge thing for me.

- Diana Keeling

Anonymous said...

By the way...I have found some lunch mean that doesn't contain nitrates. They are more expensive but there are some out there.

- Diana Keeling

Mrs. H said...

I suffer from headaches and am soooo tired of them and feeling tired all the time. This post has me researching now. Thanks for sharing!