Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Doctor Update

So a real quick update. My OB appointment went very well. I'll now be going in every two weeks or so as I am "nearing the end of pregnancy." Yikes! I am still measuring stomach-wise, one week ahead -- proof that my stomach is big! :) My weight is perfectly acceptable to Dr. G., blood pressure is perfect . . . and baby is head down and apparently plans to stay there -- "nice and wedged" according to Dr. G.. She did an ultrasound to see where he was, and what I have been feeling is correct. This dude has his head down, butt up near my belly button, and feet implanted in my ribs! Ugh! No wonder my right side feels like I am getting punched all the time.

Secondly, Isaac's appointment with Dr. D. was short and sweet. They are going to remove the skin tag sometime in February when Isaac is around 10 months old. Unfortunately, he will have to be completely sedated for the procedure. Dr. D. did think this procedure was needed however, not only for cosmetic reasons, but because the cartilage could continue to grow or cause nerve pinching issues. In addition, the "dent" he has in the upper ear shouldn't be tackled until he is nearing school-age as his ear is still growing. So we'll wait on that and decide later if or when to deal with that issue. The dent is pretty minor to me so we'll have to see what Isaac thinks about it at the time.

It's a rainy day here in northern Florida. Not sure that Scrubs and I will be getting much exercise today. JB just left for Pensacola but did get to go to both doctor's appointments with us which was very nice. It'll be a "chill" here day as the only thing on my agenda besides getting some work done for RLSF (as usual) will be to let the bug guy in to spray the house and to watch Keenan this afternoon while Joia does our "Moms in Motion" class. This is good as Isaac has definitely come down some sort of cough/runny nose thingy. Dr. G. said she had seen four kids with the same thing already this morning.

1 comment:

Tara said...

The feet in the ribs sounds painful. :( Glad everything else is looking good!