Friday, October 06, 2023

My Four

There has been so much going on. Nothing incredible. But lots of little things. There has been a personal family matter dear to us and one of our farm volunteers that has really been sitting heavy on my heart. I can't write about it. I wish I could. But I am always in awe when I watch Jesus working in the lives of people I love. 

Homeschooling is going well. It is busy. I am the Vice President of the Heritage Home Scholars Homeschooling group which takes a lot of time -- especially on Mondays. I am also teaching two pretty challenging classes. A high school American Literature that has almost 30 kids in it and an English/History/Bible combo for kids in 5th-8th grade. I started this with Abigail and Zoey but have opened it up to the cooperative, and I really enjoy it.

Isaac is now 15.5 and hopefully will be driving in May. This will make so many things easier on us. I know I will miss this time in his life. When I am driving, he will really talk to me in the car which is fantastic. But he's in theater, piano, voice, guitar, and karate. He is also taking a musical theater dance class. It's a lot. He definitely finds girls interesting right now :) He is also on the Leadership team for both our cooperative and church. He plays music for church worship as well. Whew. He's definitely busy.

Sidge will be 15 in January. He still loves the outdoors and his farm. He is taking three science classes. We are excited to finally be doing his "Big 14" by going to Costa Rica with the Shrader family at the end of February. The only activity he's involved in is Karate. He attends youth group at FCC and is also on the Leadership team at FCC. It's so interesting to me that he is an introvert and Isaac an extrovert. I would have guessed just the opposite when they were little. Oh and he still does piano but he no longer wants to do recitals. So we've told him he doesn't have to play in public. He is anxiously waiting for Dove Season to reopen.

Abigail is a ballerina through and through. She loves it. She also is taking piano and voice. She is 12 now and in the 6th grade. She's frustrated that she isn't in 7th grade, but I held all my summer birthdays back.

Hannah is 10 and in the fourth grade. She is doing ballet and piano and homeschooling completely with the Kotynski family this year. She goes over there almost everyday. I really think her and Genevieve will grow up to be the closest of friends.

Just a quick update. I never want to forget the days ....

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