Saturday, February 01, 2020

THIS is Hannah

Hannah doesn't want you to sit next to her and show her how to do something. She wants to see it one time and then she wants you to leave her alone and she wants to figure it out herself. (Thus my reason for loving this picture above.)

Hannah also doesn't want you to tell her it is time to learn to tie her shoes. She decides when she is ready. And then when she is, there is absolutely no stopping her.

Hannah cannot be manipulated and rarely can she bribed. Forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do is next to impossible. She knows her mind, and if you push her too hard when she doesn't want to go be pushed, she will start to cry with the frustration of being asked to do something that isn't something she wants to do.

Hannah isn't a kid who loves a certain thing or seems inspired by any certain activity. Instead she likes to BE with people. She likes play and love and fellowship.

Hannah is a leader. She can be bossy. She's particular. She's independent but doesn't want to do things by herself. She wants someone with her because that's the part that brings her joy.

She's my last little girl, and her specialness is never lost on me,


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